Council meeting preview: Standing Committee – Tuesday 11 June

Published on 07 June 2024

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Council’s next meeting will take place at the Administrative Centre at Speers Point on Tuesday 11 June 2024, with a Standing Committee meeting starting from 6.30pm.

Members of the public have the option to watch the proceedings live online at

Below are some of the items listed for discussion.

You can view the full agenda online.

Local Heritage Places Grant Program

Council will consider endorsing five projects totalling $11,000 for funding under the 2024-2025 Local Heritage Places Grant and $2000 from the previous financial year’s funding for a recipient who requested an extension for a Catherine Hill Bay project.

The grants provide financial assistance to owners of heritage listed properties, or properties in heritage conservation areas, to help conserve and preserve heritage buildings in the city.

Land rezoning in Mount Hutton

Council will consider recommending to proceed with a proposal to rezone 1 Progress Road, Mount Hutton from a low-density residential zone to a local centre zone which would enable commercial development at the site which adjoins an existing local centre.

Raffertys Resort Planning Proposal

Council will consider endorsing a planning proposal to increase the maximum building heights at Raffertys Resort to enable tourist development of a scale to attract a five-star hotel operator.

If Council endorses the recommendation to amend the LMLEP 2014, the planning proposal will be referred to the NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure requesting finalisation.

Cams Wharf development proposal

Council will consider a development proposal application for demolition of the existing tavern and function centre, and construction of new pub, ancillary function centre, swimming pool, car park and temporary function centre at 1 Wild Duck Drive and 2 Lorikeet Loop, Cams Wharf within Raffertys Resort.

Gateshead planning proposal

Council will consider endorsing a planning proposal which seeks to rezone 87 Oakdale Road, Gateshead from C3 Environmental Management to E4 General Industrial and change associated LEP controls such as minimum lot size and height of building.

The proposal seeks to increase the supply of industrial land in the city.

Speers Point residential subdivision

Council will consider approving a proposal for a two into two lot subdivision at 155-157 Main Road, Speers Point.

Teralba residential subdivision

Councill will consider approving an application for a one into two lot Torrens title subdivision and construction of a dwelling house at 1 Diesel Close, Teralba.

Active Recreation Strategy

Council will consider recommending the Active Recreation Strategy for adoption at the next Ordinary Council Meeting.

The strategy provides a strategic framework and action plan to support participation in active recreation to improve liveability, health and wellbeing outcomes for the Lake Macquarie community.

Community Environment Grants

Council will consider recommending seven applications for a total of $16,971 be approved for funding under round two of the Community Environment Grants 2023-2024 program at the next Ordinary Council Meeting.