Council meeting preview: Standing Committee – Monday 20 November 2023

Published on 16 November 2023

The Lake Macquarie City Council chambers.jpg

Council’s next meeting will take place at the Administrative Centre at Speers Point on Monday 20 November 2023, with a Standing Committee meeting starting from 6.30pm, followed by an Extra Ordinary meeting from 7pm.

Members of the public have the option to watch the proceedings live online at

Below are some of the items listed for discussion.

You can view the full agenda online. 

Adoption of planning proposal and revised development control plan for North Cooranbong (Watagan Park)

Council will consider adopting a planning proposal and revised development control plan for North Cooranbong (Watagan Park). The proposal aims to create a vibrant mixed use centre that supports greater housing diversity, increases densities and provides better access to shops and services in line with the overarching state, regional and local planning strategies. 

Dwelling House, Shed, Swimming Pool and Associated Safety Barriers at 32 Burwood Road, Whitebridge

Council will consider endorsing a development standard variation under clause 4.6 of the Lake Macquarie Local Environmental Plan 2014, providing a maximum height of 8.9m, exceeding the 5.5m development standard by 3.4m or 61 per cent, and approving a development application for a dwelling house, shed, swimming pool and associated safety barriers at 32 Burwood Road, Whitebridge.

Review of Council Policy – Protection of watercourses and drainage channels

Council will consider adopting a revised Protection of Watercourse and Drainage Channels Policy. The policy underpins Council’s approach to protecting and enhancing the health of our waterways.  

Requests for donations

Council will consider approving the following donations under the donations program:

  • $1788 to the Wangi Junior Rugby League Football Club for the purchase of new training equipment to be used at their grounds in Wangi Wangi
  • $2000 to Hunter Adults Financial Collaborative to assist with the costs of their employment courses
  • $2000 to the Heartland Foundation to assist with the costs of their Mobile Food Pantry project.
Audited Financial Statements

Council will consider adopting the financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2023. Council will also consider authorising the presentation of Council's audited financial statements to the public at 3pm, Tuesday 28 November 2023. 

Annual Report 2022-2023

Council will consider endorsing the Lake Macquarie City Council Annual Report 2022-2023.