Council meeting highlights - Standing Committee - Monday 11 April 2022

Published on 11 April 2022

Please see below for highlights of the final determinations made at tonight’s Standing Committee. The full agenda and reports are available at meeting agendas and minutes. The stream of tonight’s meeting will be available online at within 48 hours.

8 Burwood Road, Whitebridge: Demolition of existing dwelling, construction of a dwelling house, swimming pool and associated external works

Council endorsed a development standard variation, providing a maximum height of 7.5m, and approved DA/3351/2021 for demolition of an existing dwelling and construction of a dwelling house, swimming pool and associated external works at 8 Burwood Road, Whitebridge.

874 Pacific Highway, Blacksmiths: Telecommunications facility

Council endorsed a development standard variation, providing a maximum height of 25m, and approved DA/2096/2021 for a telecommunications facility at 874 Pacific Highway, Blacksmiths.

Review of Council’s policy for managing contaminated or potentially contaminated land within Lake Macquarie City

Council rescinded its former policy for managing contaminated or potentially contaminated land within Lake Macquarie City and adopted a new revised version.

133 Coal Point Road, Coal Point: Demolition of existing structures and construction of a dwelling house and swimming pool

Council endorsed a development standard variation, providing a maximum height of 10.1m, and approved DA/2781/2021 for demolition of an existing dwelling and construction of a dwelling house and swimming pool at 133 Coal Point Road, Coal Point.

Please see below for highlights of recommendations made at tonight’s Standing Committee Meeting to be considered at the Ordinary Council meeting on Monday 26 April 2022.

Requests for donations

Council discussed approving donations of $2000 to Road Safety Education Ltd and 1st Byattunga Scout Group, respectively.

Adoption of Munibung Hill Management Plan

Council discussed adopting the Munibung Hill Management Plan.

Lake Macquarie Deputy Mayor Jason Pauling said he was confident the plan would guide the effective management of the site for years to come.

“The Management Plan for Munibung Hill recognises its position as a valued natural asset of our city, and is an important step towards providing increased recreational opportunities for our community across the site,” Cr Pauling said.

“I’d like to thank those who took the time provide feedback on the plan while it was on public exhibition late last year.”