Council Standing Committee meeting preview – Monday 12 February

Published on 08 February 2024

The Lake Macquarie City Council chambers.jpg

Council’s next meeting will take place at the Administrative Centre at Speers Point on Monday 12 February 2024, with a Standing Committee meeting starting from 6.30pm.

Members of the public have the option to watch the proceedings live online at

Below are some of the items listed for discussion.

You can view the full agenda online.

Strata subdivision at 15 Princes Avenue, Charlestown

Council will consider approving a development application for a multi-dwelling strata subdivision at 15 Princes Avenue, Charlestown.

The staged development seeks to construct 12 units, including three fronting the street and nine within the site.

Proposed changes to in-fill housing rules to increase supply

Council will consider endorsing a planning proposal to better facilitate in-fill housing and greater housing diversity in residential zones across the city.

Increasing maximum building heights in medium density residential and business zones, permitting dual occupancies on medium density development sites, rezoning select zones and reducing minimum lot sizes are among the proposed changes.

The proposal aligns with the Lake Macquarie Housing Strategy and the NSW Government’s approach to flexibility around housing supply options.

More than 300 submissions were received during public exhibition, which are reflected in the amended proposal.

Dwellings on undersized lots in rural and environmental zones

Council will consider adopting an amendment to the Lake Macquarie Development Control Plan 2014 to simplify the approval process for dwellings on undersized lots.

There are hundreds of lots across the city currently below the minimum size for their respective zones.

The proposed amendment will make it easier for new and existing dwellings to achieve compliance on undersized environmental and rural zoned lots.

Housing diversity planning proposal

Council will consider progressing a planning proposal to increase housing diversity in Lake Macquarie by permitting a broader range of supply options across all residential zones.

In November 2023, Council received a letter from the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces stating that NSW is in a housing crisis and there is a need to increase housing supply and diversity of homes across Lake Macquarie suburbs.

The letter requested councils look at their policy settings with the aim of expanding the number of homes in their local government areas.

The proposal includes a range of measures to increase supply, including permitting dual occupancies and semi-detached dwellings in medium density residential zones, permitting attached dwellings, multi-dwelling housing and residential flat buildings in low density residential zones and increasing flexibility for small lot housing.

Requests for donations

Council will consider the following two applications for donations:

  • $2000 to WorldSkills Australia to assist with the costs of sending Neave O’Reilly to represent Australia at the 47th WorldSkills International Championships

  • $2000 to Gateway Care Hunter to assist with the costs of relocating their services to Bennetts Green.