Our Customer Service Centre is temporarily located at Speers Point Library, adjacent to Council's Administration Building.
Published on 26 October 2023
Work is underway on demolition of a pedestrian bridge over Cold Tea Creek at Belmont, with a landmark replacement bridge due to open in mid-2024.
Pedestrians won’t be able to cross Cold Tea Creek during the construction phase, except via the Pacific Highway bridge and path.
The new bridge will form part of the Fernleigh Awabakal Shared Track, a 3.5km shared path linking the existing Fernleigh Track at Belmont to Awabakal Avenue at Blacksmiths.
It will feature a teardrop-shaped aesthetic, reflecting the Awabakal Dreamtime story about how nearby Belmont Lagoon was created.
Go to lakemac.com.au/fast for more information about the project.