Budget funding a boost for community and economy

Published on 26 October 2022

Morisset October 2021 (2).jpg

Lake Macquarie City Council has welcomed funding for city projects in the Albanese Government’s first federal budget, including commitments to the Mandalong Road upgrade and a $20 million Lake Macquarie Economic Development Package to expand the mines grouting fund and facilitate an improved dredging program for Swansea Channel.

The budget, announced on Tuesday night, included the following new funding commitments for Lake Macquarie:

  • $10 million to establish a mine grouting fund for Lake Macquarie
  • $10 million for Swansea Channel dredging infrastructure
  • $969,000 for sports amenities upgrades at Lance York Oval Garden Suburb ($400,000), Lydon Oval Dudley ($320,000), Cahill Oval Belmont ($184,000) and Jack McLaughlan Oval Edgeworth ($65,000)
  • $250,000 for waterway remediation at Dora Creek, Cockle Creek and Slatey Creek
  • $250,000 for Mums’ Cottage at Holmesville

The budget also reinforced the new government’s commitment to the upgrade of Mandalong Road at Morisset, confirming funding of $56 million announced prior to the May election. The Mandalong Road project will be undertaken in partnership with the NSW Government, which has committed a further $20 million.

Lake Macquarie Mayor Kay Fraser thanked the Federal Government for delivering on its election commitments for Lake Macquarie in its first budget.

“We worked very closely with our federal representatives to advocate for funding for projects that will boost our economy and benefit our community, and it is gratifying to see this recognition in the budget,” Cr Fraser said.

“The Mandalong Road upgrade will generate more than $1.2 billion in economic uplift to the city’s south west, the mines grouting fund expansion will potentially underwrite more than $450 million in development in Charlestown alone and the dredging infrastructure will boost tourism and events on the lake while improving navigability of the channel for our boating community.

“The waterway funding will assist with weed infestation and flood management in problem areas and the sports grounds upgrades will improve amenities for female athletes and people with a disability, making our facilities more inclusive and user-friendly.”

Josh Sattler, CEO of Lake Macquarie’s economic development company Dantia, said the budget commitments demonstrated the Federal Government’s confidence in Lake Macquarie as a hub for investment and jobs growth.

“The economic initiatives included in the federal budget will stimulate and help us to diversify the local economy, developing new industries focusing on innovation, circular economy and job opportunities for the future,” Mr Sattler said. 

Cr Fraser acknowledged the support of the Member for Shortland, Pat Conroy (also Minister for Defence Industry and Minister for International Development and the Pacific), Member for Hunter, Dan Repacholi, and Lake Macquarie-based Senator Ross Cadell in advocating for the city’s key projects and priorities.

“We look forward to continuing to work collaboratively with local MPs, the federal and state governments and community organisations on the delivery of these commitments,” Cr Fraser said.