Health and wellness

Published on 29 April 2024

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There’s no better time than the present to reset, relax and re-energise!

Ready to foster your mental and physical wellbeing? Picture this:

You kickstart the day with an invigorating sunrise surf. Then it’s a short, scenic cycle to work. For lunch, you grab a wrap from your favourite cafe and watch boats glide by on the glistening lake. When it’s time to clock off, you meet mates for a stroll through the nearby nature reserve…

That could be your typical Tuesday in Lake Macquarie.

With 174km of spectacular shoreline, an exceptional work-life balance and all kinds of supportive community initiatives, our city is a haven for health and wellness!

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So it’s no surprise that Dr Darren Morton, Director of the Lifestyle Medicine and Health Research Centre at Avondale University, has lived in Lake Mac for more than 30 years.

Here, Darren has created an educational program called The Lift Project, which explores research-backed ways to boost your mood through positive lifestyle choices. Founded in Lake Macquarie, this award-winning program is already being adopted in several countries for large-scale impact.

Despite all his research, lecturing and business management, Darren manages to maintain a strong work-life balance. A key ingredient - Lake Macquarie’s abundance of outdoor opportunities to recharge his batteries.

“I am very intentional about taking time to enjoy life” he said.

“For me, that involves being active in the great outdoors and the Lake Macquarie area is amazing for this with easy access to the Lake (of course!), the beach and the mountains.”

“I have travelled widely but Lake Macquarie is still my favourite place.”

When it comes to staying fit, you’ll find a diverse range of activities on your doorstep. From mountain biking down bush trails and kayaking up creeks to kitesurfing across the lake and hang gliding off headlands, there are myriad ways to get moving! 

“I live on Dora Creek near the iconic Swingbridge at Cooranbong and it is my happy place.” he said.

“From my backdoor, I can access the trails on the Avondale University estate and from the Swingbridge, I can kayak all the way to Lake Macquarie and even into the ocean through Swansea channel.”

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These experiences can benefit far more than physical fitness. For Darren (and many others!), being active in the outdoors and building friendships along the way ultimately enhances mental wellness, too.

“As a researcher, I have learnt that health is fostered by belonging to a community, especially those that participate in uplifting activities,” he said.

“I have many sporting mates and I’m also connected to a faith community that is a great tribe to belong to.”

Whether it's sports clubs, creator collectives or congregations, Lake Macquarie is brimming with community programs where you can connect with like-minded locals in fun and meaningful ways! For example, Community Activities Lake Macquarie (CALM) offers all sorts of services to local families, including regular parenting programs, youth support, and vacation care.

Check out our Community Directory to see what else is on in your area.

Darren’s go-to activity for exercising and socialising? The weekly Avondale University Parkrun. This welcoming community and its revitalising nature run captures the essence of all that’s wonderful about Lake Macquarie.

“I highly rate Parkrun events because they are inclusive, active and outdoors,” he said.

Don’t live near Avondale University? The Lake Mac Park Run in Booragul and Lake View in Belmont are other awesome options that might be closer to home.

After all, Darren’s not the only one taking advantage of Lake Macquarie’s great outdoors! Caves Beach local, Asha Bhatt, also loves some TLC in this natural playground.

“Our mental and physical health routine consists of daily yoga and making the most out of outdoor walking and swimming,” she said.

“My family love the peace and quiet and find being outside rejuvenating.”

With all that activity, it’s important to fuel up. Luckily, Lake Macquarie has no shortage of delicious, nutritious and atmospheric restaurants to enjoy! Here are Darren’s top picks:

“My most common eatery is 7 at Avondale because it’s healthy and on campus. For special occasions, I frequent 8 at Trinity at Trinity Point on the lake - it’s amazing. And when my family craves some of the best pizza on the planet, we go to Pauly’s Gourmet Kitchen at Morisset! As you can see, I needn’t stray far from home when eating out.”

The upshot? Life in Lake Macquarie can work wonders for the mind, body and soul (and stomach). Discover its draw cards for yourself.

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