New Fab Lab for creatives

Published on 07 May 2024

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A Hunter-first new facility in Lake Macquarie provides a cutting-edge space for people of all ages to create, invent, learn and innovate.

The digital fabrication laboratory, or ‘Fab Lab’ for short, joins a network of more than 1700 similar venues in 100 countries across the globe.

The facility in the lakeside suburb of Swansea, features a variety of equipment for digital fabrication prototyping, as well as a program of activities for learning, sharing ideas and collaborating on global Fab Lab challenges.

Equipment includes a 3D scanner and printers, a laser cutter, computer-controlled cutting and engraving machines, a green screen room, vlogging equipment, virtual reality headsets and high-powered computers for game design, graphic design and rendering.

Lake Macquarie City Council Fab Lab Lead Claire Chaikin-Bryan says the facility provides a hub for local innovators to come together, filling a gap in the region’s ‘makerspace’ market.

“This is an opportunity for us to build a network of local innovators, and to really nurture that concept of collaboration and knowledge-sharing,” she says.

Access to the Fab Lab is via public workshops, open days or the ‘Lake Make Club’ membership program.

Ms Chaikin-Bryan says the program has options for hobbyists, commercial users, students and families.

“Casual access options are also available for people who just need one-off access, or who want to try things out before they commit to a longer-term membership.”

Fab Academy is a new program offering a unique and transformative educational experience that combines technical skills, creativity, global connectivity and the potential for personal and professional growth. 

The intensive 20-week course on how to make (almost) anything, teaches students to envision, design and prototype projects using digital fabrication tools and machines. 

Discover more about the new Fab Lab and Fab Academy.

Smart Cities Lead Claire Chaikin-Bryan uses the Fab Lab's new 3D printer.jpg

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