Our Customer Service Centre is temporarily located at Speers Point Library, opposite Council's Administration Building.
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There are temporary changes in place at this facility and currently only a limited range of waste items are being accepted (listed below).Our Lake Mac Libraries are not able to accept recycling items during this temporary period.
We are planning to construct an additional Community Recycling Facility at Floraville Road, Belmont North to improve access to recycling drop-off services in Lake Macquarie.
The Community Recycling Centre, located at the Awaba Waste Management Facility, is a safe way to dispose of household waste, free of charge.
Please wear enclosed shoes when visiting the facility.
The Awaba Community Recycling Centre will be accepting limited waste items from Thursday 20 February. This is as a result of a recent fire at the processing facility in Sydney. However, the following items can still be dropped off:
Residents are advised to store other household problem waste items in clearly labelled containers, in a cool dry place away from children and pets, until services are back up and running.
Lake Mac Libraries will not accept recycling items during this period.
For your nearest battery drop off visit https://bcycle.com.au/drop-off/
The Community Recycling Centre is a NSW EPA Waste Less, Recycle More initiative, funded by the Waste Levy.
367 Wilton Road, Awaba 2283 View in Google Maps
367 Wilton Road , Awaba 2283
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Closed Christmas Day