Sight distance

Sight distance is the distance measured along the road, over which a driver has visibility of an object or another road user. Safe road conditions rely on road users having adequate visibility.

Obstructions to visibility can create hazards for pedestrians and other road users, as well as drivers.  Sight obstructions may include road layout, signage or vegetation.  Council uses Ausroads guides, Transport for NSW (TfNSW) technical directions and Australian Standards to guide sight distance investigations.

If you have concerns over sight distance you can submit your concerns to Council online.



Step 1.Gather your documents

As part of your application you need to provide supportive documentation identifying the sight distance issue.

Your documentation needs to include the following:

  • photos showing the situation and achievable sight distance in each direction
  • the sight distance that you can see in each direction, for example 50m to south
  • include reference points such as house numbers, powerpoles, driveways near the sight obstruction
  • map or diagram showing the location of the reference points

Examples of what you can include in your diagrams, including a diagram template is available below.

For further advice on what to submit, please refer to our sight distance fact sheet(PDF, 431KB) or contact our Customer Service Centre on 02 4921 0333, Monday-Friday, 8am to 5pm.

Step 2.Apply

Once you have gathered your supporting documentation you can apply online. You'll need to upload electronic versions of the required documentation in order to submit your request.

In Person