Redhead Beach EV Charging Stations

New council car park solar array and electric vehicles (10).jpg

We're installing two electric vehicle charging stations at Redhead Beach in June 2024 to meet demand as the uptake of electric vehicles across the city increases. 

The two charging stations will be located in the main car park at Redhead Beach, and will occupy two parking spaces. 

People usually stay at the beach for 1-3 hours, so the chargers provide a great opportunity for community members to charge their vehicles while enjoying their time at the beach.

The chargers are aimed at enabling greater access to EV charging and to support acceleration of EV ownership in a convenient, safe, and reliable manner. 

The project is proudly funded by the NSW Government through its Electric Vehicle Destination Charging Grant Program. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How will they work?

The chargers will be required to be activated through a third-party platform - Everty Driver. The driver app makes it easy to locate the charger nearby, and check availability in real-time. Once at the charger, drivers can start the session with a few taps and monitor the progression on their phone while they go about their activities at Redhead. 

How much does it cost to charge at the charging station?

Currently Lake Macquarie City Council does not charge for the council operated AC public charging network.

The transition to low emission vehicles by the community is imperative to reducing the city’s greenhouse gas emissions. However, availability of charging infrastructure is an identified barrier to the increased uptake of low-emission vehicles.

Council is aiming to reduce this barrier by providing these chargers in popular locations at no cost to facilitate a greater uptake of low emission vehicles in the community. 

Can non-electric vehicles park in the spaces?

No parking will be allowed in the spaces, except when EVs are charging.

Is there a time limit for electric vehicles?

Electric vehicles will not have any time limits. This aligns with the current parking rules in the car park, which don't have any time restrictions.

Why was Redhead Beach selected to host the charging stations?

This location was selected as it is adjacent to already allocated lifeguard parking, is close to existing electrical infrastructure and is away from interruptions to Surf Club and beach access.

Why were two spaces selected to host the charging stations?

The reallocation of two existing car spaces to EV only spaces will equate to 0.8% of available spaces in the Redhead carpark area. Electric Vehicles in Lake Macquarie LGA currently represent 0.4% of total registrations, and increased by 160% between 2023-2024. This is anticipated to increase at an exponential rate, and with additional tourism charging demand at this location, both chargers are anticipated to be highly utilised.