Aitchison Reserve Lakeview Parade, Pelican 2281 This venue features two soccer fields with lights, a concrete cricket wicket, a clubhouse with canteen, amenities and a modular toilet Suitable for: , Sports venue
Auston Oval 113a Dora Street, Morisset 2264 This venue is home to the Morisset United Football Club Suitable for: , Sports venue
Bahloo Reserve South Street, Windale 2306 This venue features a cricket wicket with lights, little athletics track, long jump pit, canteen, storage facilities, toilets, skate park and a playground Suitable for: , Sports venue
Barton Fields 1A Maude Street, Belmont 2280 This venue features three rugby league fields, two concrete cricket wickets and practice nets Suitable for: , Sports venue
Baxter Field 28-34 Swan Street, Marks Point 2280 This venue features a soccer field with lights, athletics track, long jump runway and a discus cage, amenities, canteen and a toilet block Suitable for: , Sports venue
Bernie Goodwin Oval 59 Newcastle Street, Morisset 2264 This venue features three soccer fields with lights, amenities, canteen and change rooms Suitable for: , Sports venue
Bill Bower Oval 358A Lake Road, Glendale 2285 This venue features three rugby league grounds with lights, a turf cricket wicket, amenities, canteen, change and meeting rooms. Suitable for: , Sports venue
Blacksmiths Oval 20 Gommera Street, Blacksmiths 2281 This venue features two soccer fields, a clubhouse and amenities and is home to Belmont-Swansea United Soccer Club Suitable for: , Sports venue
Blacksmiths Tennis Club 20 Gommera Street, Blacksmiths 2281 This venue features three synthetic courts and a clubhouse Suitable for: , Sports venue
Bolton Point Skate Park Corner Bay and Quigley roads, Bolton Point 2283 Bolton Point Skate Park is a shared-use skate park designed to include BMX as well as skaters Suitable for: , Sports venue
Bolton Point Tennis 1A Roy Avenue, Bolton Point 2283 This venue feature synthetic tennis courts, a clubhouse, amenities, kitchen and storage Suitable for: , Sports venue
Bonnells Bay Netball 275 Fishery Point Road, Bonnells Bay 2261 This venue has two netball courts with lights Suitable for: , Sports venue
Bonnells Bay Skate Park 275 Fishery Point Road, Bonnells Bay 2264 This skate park is next to the playground and community centre on Fishery Point Road Suitable for: , Sports venue, Parties and celebrations
Boolaroo Sports Club 31 Eighth Street, Boolaroo 2284 This club, located on Eighth Street at Boolaroo, offers social and barefoot bowls for all experience-levels, a bistro and free function room. Suitable for: , Sports venue
Cahill Oval 1A Maude Street, Belmont 2280 This venue features soccer, rugby league and rugby union fields, a turf cricket wicket, grandstand, canteen and amenities Suitable for: , Sports venue
Cardiff No.1 Oval Corner Myall and Macquarie roads, Cardiff 2285 This venue has cricket and rugby league facilities Suitable for: , Sports venue
Cardiff No.2 Oval 1C William Street, Cardiff 2285 This venue has a soccer field and a turf cricket wicket Suitable for: , Sports venue
Cardiff No.3 Oval 33 Newcastle Street, Cardiff 2285 This venue has a synthetic cricket wicket and practice nets Suitable for: , Sports venue
Cardiff Park Tennis Courts 2 Russell Street, Cardiff 2285 This venue features four synthetic tennis courts Suitable for: , Sports venue
Cardiff Skate Park 173 Myall Road, Cardiff 2285 This modular local-level skate park has a fun box, three-foot quarter pipes and four-foot flat banks and is located in Wilkinson Park Suitable for: , Sports venue
Catherine Hill Bay Oval and Reserve 6 Northwood Road, Catherine Hill Bay 2281 This oval and reserve are located on Northwood Road in Catherine Hill Bay Suitable for: , Sports venue, Parties and celebrations
Caves Beach Netball Courts 104 Park Avenue & Strathmore Road, Caves Beach 2281 This venue has four hard-surface netball courts, amenities and a a storage room Suitable for: , Sports venue
Caves Beach Tennis Courts 104 Strathmore Road, Caves Beach 2281 This venue features four synthetic tennis courts with lights, a clubhouse, amenities and meeting room Suitable for: , Sports venue
Chapman Oval 13 Forbes Street, Swansea 2281 This venue features three soccer fields with lights, amenities and a canteen Suitable for: , Sports venue
Charlestown Oval 128A Pacific Highway, Charlestown 2290 Charlestown Oval features cricket and soccer facilities, flood lights, amenities and irrigation. Suitable for: , Sports venue
Charlestown Skate Park Corner Frederick Street and Pacific Highway, Charlestown 2290 Known as the Chip Bowl, this skate park features bowls, from 1.2m to three metres, to suit skaters, BMX and scooter riders of all skill levels Suitable for: , Sports venue
Charlestown Swim Centre 52 Dickinson Street, Charlestown 2290 Charlestown Swim Centre is operated by Council. It's open year-round and is home to the Charlestown Swim Club Suitable for: , Group fitness and dance, Sports venue, Swim centres, Parties and celebrations
Cooranbong Park Sports Complex 515 Freemans Drive, Cooranbong 2265 This soon-to-be-opened sports complex will have capacity to host football, cricket and netball, with a basketball multi-court. Suitable for: , Sports venue
Cooranbong Recreation and Equestrian Grounds 38 Kings Road, Cooranbong 2265 This venue has a canteen, amenities and lighting Suitable for: , Sports venue
Croft Oval 84 Macquarie Road, Fassifern 2283 This venue features two soccer fields and a concrete cricket wicket, a modular toilet and small shelter. Suitable for: , Sports venue
Croudace Bay Skate Park 795 Macquarie Drive, Croudace Bay 2280 This Skate park is a street plaza style with a quarter pipe, flatbanks, hubbas, downrails and manual pad, located in Thomas H Halton Park. Suitable for: , Sports venue
Croudace Bay Sports Complex Parklea Road, Valentine 2280 This facility has netball, tennis, cricket, rugby league, soccer and rooball facilities Suitable for: , Sports venue
Douglass Street Oval 20-32 Douglas Street, Dora Creek 2264 This venue has a rugby league field, turf cricket wicket and playground Suitable for: , Sports venue
Edgeworth Athletics and Cricket Field Charles Street, Edgeworth 2285 This venue features a running track, long jump, discus and shot put facilities, a concrete cricket wicket and two practice wickets with lights Suitable for: , Sports venue
Edgeworth Junior Soccer Club Park Street, Edgeworth 2285 This venue features three Grade 2 junior soccer fields and is located behind Edgeworth Bowling Club Suitable for: , Sports venue
Edgeworth Netball Courts 748 Main Road, Edgeworth 2285 This venue features three Grade Two hard courts with lighting. Suitable for: , Sports venue
Eleebana Oval Linden Avenue, Eleebana 2282 This venue has a soccer field and lighting Suitable for: , Sports venue
Eleebana Tennis Courts Delta Close, Eleebana 2282 Home of the Cagney Tennis Academy, this venue features three synthetic tennis courts with lights. Suitable for: , Sports venue
Evans Park 141 Myall Road, Cardiff 2285 This venue features two soccer fields and a clubhouse with canteen Suitable for: , Sports venue
Fassifern Oval 51 Miller Road, Fassifern 2283 This venue is home to the Westlakes Archers and Boolaroo Bowmen and features an archery range, clubhouse and toilets Suitable for: , Sports venue
Feighan Park Seaman Avenue, Warners Bay 2282 This venue features two AFL fields, two turf cricket wickets and a concrete wicket, plus practice wickets, amenities and a mobile grandstand Suitable for: , Sports venue
Finnan Oval 31 Fennell Crescent, Blackalls Park 2283 This venue features soccer fields and a concrete cricket wicket with lights, amenities, canteen, change rooms and storage Suitable for: , Sports venue
Fishburn Field 32 Stilling Street, Rathmines 2283 This venue features two soccer fields with lights and a rooball field, a concrete cricket wicket, and amenities with canteen, storage and change rooms. Suitable for: , Sports venue
Gibson Field Awaba Street, Morisset 2264 Gibson Field features a Grade 2 Rugby Union/League field with lights, an amenity building with canteen, change rooms and storage. Suitable for: , Sports venue
Gregory Park 19 Hyndes Street, West Wallsend 2286 Gregory Park features two soccer fields with lights, three asphalt and two grass netball courts, a turf cricket wicket and practice wicket, and an amenities building with canteen, change rooms, storage and toilets Suitable for: , Sports venue
Harold Knight, Fred Wright and Mick Middleton Ovals 4A Willow Road (Off Lake Street and Pacific Highway), Gateshead 2290 This venue has lit soccer fields Suitable for: , Sports venue
Hillsborough Oval 25 Percy Street, Hillsborough 2290 This venue has an AFL field, a turf cricket wicket, two concrete practice wickets and amenities Suitable for: , Sports venue
Hillsborough Tennis Courts 25 Percy Street, Hillsborough 2290 This venue features three synthetic tennis courts with lights, a clubhouse and amenities and is located in Howe Reserve, next to Percy Street Playground Suitable for: , Sports venue
Holford Oval Dunkley Parade, Mount Hutton 2290 This venue features a rugby league field with lights, amenities, canteen and storage Suitable for: , Sports venue
Holmesville Skate Park 60A Appletree Road, Holmesville 2286 Holmesville Skate Park is a shared-use park designed to include BMX riders as well as skaters. Suitable for: , Sports venue
Hunter Sports Centre 43 Stockland Drive, Glendale 2285 The Hunter Sports Centre is one of the region's premier sporting venues, boasting Olympic-standard facilities. Suitable for: , Indoor sports, Group fitness and dance, Sports venue, Parties and celebrations
J.R Hill Oval Awaba Road, Toronto 2283 This venue features two netball courts, a turf cricket wicket and practice wickets, and croquet greens. Amenities include a kitchen, change rooms and club room. Suitable for: , Sports venue
Jack Edwards Oval 160 Montgomery Street, Argenton 2284 This venue features one Grade 2 soccer field with lights, a rooball field, amenities and canteen. Suitable for: , Sports venue
Jack McLaughlin Oval 11B Park Street, Edgeworth 2285 This venue is home to the Edgeworth Eagles Football Club and features a senior field, amenities and grandstand Suitable for: , Sports venue
Jack Stewart Netball Courts 7 Bula Street, Charlestown 2290 This venue features 24 Grade 1 hard courts with lights, clubhouse, amenities, meeting room and storage Suitable for: , Sports venue
Jarmain Netball Courts Hayden Brook Road, Woodrising 2284 These courts are located behind residences on Hayden Brook Road in Woodrising Suitable for: , Sports venue
John Balcomb Field Gardiner Street, Dudley 2290 This venue has a rugby league field with lights, two practice wickets and amenities with canteen Suitable for: , Sports venue
John Street Field John Street, Warners Bay 2282 This venue features two soccer fields with lights, a concrete cricket wicket, plus amenities, a meeting room, canteen and storage Suitable for: , Sports venue
Johnston Park Laidley Street, West Wallsend 2286 This venue features a Grade 1 soccer field with lights and a training area, an amenities building with canteen, change rooms and storage, and tiered seating Suitable for: , Sports venue
Kahibah Oval and Andy Bird Field Corner James and Bula streets, Kahibah 2290 This venue features a turf cricket wicket and two soccer fields Suitable for: , Sports venue
Keith Barry Oval Awaba Road, Toronto 2283 This venue features two rugby league fields with lights and one mini-field, amenities, canteen, change rooms and storage. Suitable for: , Sports venue
Kevin Evans Oval 60A Appletree Road, Holmesville 2286 This venue features two soccer fields with lights, a concrete cricket pitch, amenities, change rooms and a skate park Suitable for: , Sports venue
Kurkullbah Reserve (Allen Davis Field and Ernie Calland Field) 4A Willow Road, Gateshead 2290 Kurkullbah Reserve is home to Allen Davis and Ernie Calland Fields. Suitable for: , Sports venue
Lake Macquarie BMX Club Off Mary Street, Argenton 2284 Lake Macquarie BMX is one of the largest BMX clubs in NSW Suitable for: , Sports venue
Lake Macquarie Croquet Centre Bill Bower Oval - Frederick Street, Glendale 2285 The Lake Macquarie Croquet Centre provides a purpose-built facility for the Toronto Croquet Club community. Suitable for: , Sports venue
Lake Macquarie Regional Football Facility 13 Park Road, Speers Point 2284 The Lake Macquarie Regional Football Facility is located at Speers Point and caters for elite, amateur and recreational football players. Suitable for: , Meetings, Sports venue
Lakelands Oval 4 Ambleside Drive, Lakelands 2282 This venue has a junior cricket wicket Suitable for: , Sports venue
Lakelands Tennis Ambleside Circuit, Lakelands 2282 This venue features three Grade 2 hard courts with lights and an open shelter shed Suitable for: , Sports venue
Lance Yorke and Margaret West Fields 31 Myall Road, Garden Suburb 2289 This venue features three soccer fields and a concrete cricket pitch, amenities and a canteen Suitable for: , Sports venue
Lenaghan Oval 114A Wommara Avenue, Belmont North 2280 This venue features two rugby league fields, a clubhouse and amenities, plus three hard-surface netball courts Suitable for: , Sports venue
Les Miller Field 1A Maude Street, Belmont 2280 This venue has a baseball diamond and turf cricket wicket Suitable for: , Sports venue
Les Wakeman Field 19 Hyndes Street, West Wallsend 2286 Les Wakeman Field is home to West Wallsend Magpies Junior Rugby League Suitable for: , Sports venue
Liles Oval Corner Cowlishaw and Elsdon streets, Redhead 2290 This venue features three soccer fields, a netball half-court, concrete and turf cricket wickets and a clubhouse with canteen, storage and amenities Suitable for: , Sports venue
Lisle Carr Oval Recreation Avenue, Whitebridge 2290 This venue has a soccer field with lights, a grandstand, clubhouse with amenities, canteen and storage and is managed by Highfields Azzurri Soccer Club Inc. Suitable for: , Sports venue
Lumsdon Field 1A Maude Street, Belmont 2280 This venue features a concrete cricket wicket and rugby league field Suitable for: , Sports venue
Lyall Peacock Field 29 Thorne Street, Toronto 2283 This venue features rugby league and soccer fields with lights, two concrete cricket wickets, a grandstand, amenities, change rooms, storage, canteen and a barbecue. Suitable for: , Sports venue
Lydon Field Gardiner Street, Dudley 2290 This venue features has a lit soccer field and amenities and is managed by Dudley-Redhead Soccer Club Inc. Suitable for: , Sports venue
Macquarie Field Corner Park and Creek Reserve roads, Boolaroo 2284 This facility is managed by Lake Macquarie City Football Club Inc. and features one Grade 2 football field with lights, a lit training area, grandstand, amenities and a canteen Suitable for: , Sports venue
Marks Oval 73A Floraville Road, Belmont North 2280 This venue features two soccer fields with lights, a rooball field and a concrete cricket wicket Suitable for: , Sports venue
Marks Oval Tennis 73A Floraville Road, Floraville 2280 Also known as Floraville Tennis Courts. Two hardcourts with lights. Four Pickleball courts. Suitable for: , Sports venue
Martinsville Recreational Park 488 Martinsville Road, Martinsville 2265 This venue features a concrete cricket wicket, a synthetic tennis court with lights and amenities Suitable for: , Sports venue
Molly Smith Netball Courts 1A Hitchcock Avenue, Belmont 2280 This venue has 24 hard-surface netball courts, with lights, a clubhouse, amenities and canteen Suitable for: , Sports venue
Morisset Skate Park 59 Newcastle Street, Morisset 2264 This skate park features a quarter pipe, flatbanks, and hubbas, finished with a bespoke shelter, footpaths and landscaping. Suitable for: , Sports venue
Morisset Swim Centre 7 Kahibah Street, Morisset 2264 Morisset Swim Centre is contractor operated. It's open September-March and is home to the Morisset Meteors Swimming Club. Suitable for: , Group fitness and dance, Sports venue, Swim centres, Parties and celebrations
Mount Hutton Equestrian Grounds 62 Hillsborough Road, Charlestown 2290 These equestrian grounds are located off the Newcastle Inner City Bypass, behind Hillsborough Public School Suitable for: , Sports venue
Mount Hutton Tennis Dunkley Parade, Mount Hutton 2290 This venue features five synthetic tennis courts with lights, a practice wall, clubhouse and amenities. This venue also has Pickleball facilities. Suitable for: , Sports venue
Nancy Dwyer Netball Courts 170 Myall Road, Cardiff 2285 This venue features eight Grade 2 hard courts and four grass courts with lights, amenities and a canteen Suitable for: , Sports venue
Neegulbah Park 123-125 Lawson Road, Macquarie Hills 2285 Neegulbah Park is home to the Cardiff and District Little Athletic Centre and features an athletics track, discus cage, long jump runway and clubhouse with canteen and amenities Suitable for: , Sports venue
Parbury Park Marks Street, Swansea 2281 This venue features two rugby league fields with lights, a concrete cricket wicket, amenities, canteen and storage facilities Suitable for: , Sports venue
Pasterfield Sports Complex 20 Horizon Avenue, Cameron Park 2285 Pasterfield Sports Complex is the home of the Cardiff Hawks AFL Club and Cardiff-Boolaroo District Cricket Club. Suitable for: , Group fitness and dance, Sports venue
Pelican Croquet Club Cnr of Karoburra and Piriwal Streets, Pelican 2281 Pelican Croquet Club plays the golf version of croquet, which gives the opportunity for persons of any physical capability to play a healthy sport that engages your brain and provides a load of interaction with other fun loving seniors. Suitable for: , Sports venue
Pendlebury Oval 1A Roy Avenue, Bolton Point 2283 This venue features a turf cricket wicket and baseball diamond with lights, amenities, canteen and storage facilities Suitable for: , Sports venue
Pickering Oval 1A Princeton Avenue, Adamstown Heights 2289 Pickering Oval has a cricket wicket, clubhouse and parking on-site Suitable for: , Sports venue
Quinn Park 79 Channel Street, Swansea 2281 This park is located on the corner of Belmont and Galgabba streets, next to Swansea Swim Centre Suitable for: , Sports venue, Parties and celebrations
Rathmines Park Stilling Street, Rathmines 2283 This city-wide park is located in Stilling Street, Rathmines, on the shores of Lake Macquarie. The area includes a youth hub with skate park, pump track and multicourt, as well as a modern playground, exercise stations, amenities and more. Suitable for: , Sports venue, Parties and celebrations
Rathmines Pump Track 3 Stilling Street, Rathmines 2283 The 120 metre Rathmines pump track features multiple line options, rollers, berms and doubles. Suitable for: , Sports venue
Rathmines Skate Park 28 Stilling Street, Rathmines 2283 The 1000m2 Convic constructed plaza-style skate park features a mini ramp, banks and quarters, rails and boxes, a cantilevered wave, manual pads, hubbas and stairs, with an ‘electric’ colour palette across the surface. Suitable for: , Sports venue
Rathmines Tennis 107 Rosemary Row, Rathmines 2283 This venue features four tennis courts and a clubhouse Suitable for: , Sports venue
Reay Park 15A Ocean Street, Dudley 2290 This local venue has a junior concrete cricket wicket and amenities Suitable for: , Sports venue
Redhead Pump Track 38 Alison Street, Redhead 2290 Lake Macquarie's first pump track is located at Redhead Beach. It includes a circuit of rollers, banked turns (berms) and other features designed to be ridden completely by riders "pumping" - generating momentum by up and down body movements - instead of pedalling or pushing. Suitable for: , Community, Sports venue
Redhead Tennis 44A Cowlishaw Street, Redhead 2290 This venue features three synthetic tennis courts with lights and a clubhouse with amenities and a meeting room Suitable for: , Sports venue
Riawenna Park Warran Road, Whitebridge 2290 This venue has a junior cricket wicket and modular toilet Suitable for: , Sports venue
Robert 'Dutchy' Holland Oval 2A Olney Street, Awaba 2283 This venue features a turf cricket pitch and two synthetic futsal courts with lights, amenities a playground and canteen Suitable for: , Sports venue
Speers Point Swim Centre 20 Park Road, Speers Point 2284 Speers Point Swim Centre is operated by Council. It's open during the summer season and is home to the Boolaroo-Speers Point Swimming Club. Suitable for: , Group fitness and dance, Sports venue, Swim centres, Parties and celebrations
St John Oval Bula Street, Charlestown 2290 This venue features two rugby league fields with lights, amenities, a grandstand, press box and canteen Suitable for: , Sports venue
Swansea Horse and Riders Club Strathmore Road, Caves Beach 2281 Sporting days are held on the third Sunday of each month between February and November. Suitable for: , Sports venue
Swansea Skate Park 33A-33C Channel Street, Swansea 2281 This lakeside skate park is located next to Chapman Oval and the playground in Burragallana Reserve Suitable for: , Sports venue
Swansea South Tennis Courts Marks Street, Swansea 2281 This venue features four synthetic tennis courts with lights, a clubhouse and amenities Suitable for: , Sports venue
Swansea Swim Centre 79 Channel Street, Swansea 2281 Swansea Swim Centre is operated by Council. It's open during the summer season and is home to the Swansea Sharks Swimming Club and the Lake Macquarie Dolphins Water Polo Club. Suitable for: , Group fitness and dance, Sports venue, Swim centres, Parties and celebrations
Taylor Park 1A Johnson Avenue, Barnsley 2278 This venue features three Grade 2 soccer fields with lights, amenities and a canteen Suitable for: , Sports venue
Tennis Central 10 Livingston Street, Belmont 2280 This venue features eight synthetic tennis courts, a clubhouse and practice wall. Suitable for: , Sports venue
Teralba Tennis 4a York Street, Teralba 2284 Two synthetic courts with lights, Petanque area with lights, clubhouse and amenities Suitable for: , Sports venue
Toronto Swim Centre Corner Awaba Road and Carleton Street, Toronto 2283 Toronto Swim Centre is contractor operated and home to the Macquarie Shores Swim Club. Suitable for: , Indoor sports, Group fitness and dance, Sports venue, Swim centres, Parties and celebrations
Tredinnick Oval Seventh Street, Boolaroo 2284 This venue features concrete cricket wickets, four soccer fields with lights, a rooball field, amenities, canteen and storage Suitable for: , Sports venue
Tulkaba Park York Street, Teralba 2284 This venue features two ALF fields and two grounds with lights, a turf and concrete cricket wicket, two cricket nets, amenities, canteen, change rooms and storage facilities. Suitable for: , Sports venue
Tulootaba Reserve (Hunter Barnett and Michael Bird Fields) South Street, Windale 2306 Tulootaba Reserve is home to Hunter Barnett Field junior rugby league facilities and Michael Bird Field senior soccer facilities Suitable for: , Sports venue
Ulinga Park 1A Lodwick Lane, Cardiff South 2285 Ulinga Park is home to Jack Neave and Ulinga Ovals, Ulinga Park Tennis Courts, Berniece Whitson Netball Courts, a playground and the Ulinga Park Community Hall Suitable for: , Sports venue
Walters Park Creek Reserve Road, Boolaroo 2284 This venue features a turf cricket wicket and two rugby union fields with lights, amenities, canteen and storage Suitable for: , Sports venue
Wangi Netball Dobell Drive, Wangi Wangi 2267 12 hardcourts with lights and clubhouse with amenities Suitable for: , Sports venue
Wangi Oval Donnelly Road, Wangi Wangi 2267 Rugby League field and athletics track with lights and amenities Suitable for: , Sports venue Temporary Closure : Following a recent inspection, the pedestrian bridge at Wangi Oval has been closed to ensure public safety. Pedestrians can use an alternate bridge located approximately 100m away to access the ovals. Given the availability of nearby alternatives, we are currently evaluating whether to replace the closed bridge. Further updates will be provided as decisions are made.
Warners Bay Netball Charles Street, Warners Bay 2282 Four hardcourts with lights, clubhouse and amenities Suitable for: , Sports venue
Waterboard Oval 41-43 Fennell Crescent, Blackalls Park 2283 This venue features a turf cricket wicket and baseball diamonds with lights, amenities and a storage shed Suitable for: , Sports venue
West Wallsend Tennis Club off Brooks Street, West Wallsend 2286 This venue features six synthetic tennis courts with lights, a clubhouse with kitchen and change room, amenities and shelter. Suitable for: , Sports venue
Whitebridge Tennis Lonus Avenue, Whitebridge 2290 This venue features two synthetic grass courts Suitable for: , Sports venue
Windale Netball South Street, Windale 2306 This venue features two hard-surface netball courts with lights and is located in Tulootaba Reserve Suitable for: , Sports venue
Windale Skate Park Bahloo Reserve 27 South Street, Windale 2306 This is a flow skate park suitable for all skill levels and disciplines, with the focus on flow with some trick elements Suitable for: , Sports venue
Windsor Park 20 Carbeen Street, Gateshead 2290 This venue has a baseball diamond and basketball half-court Suitable for: , Sports venue
Wyee Community Tennis Wyee Road, Wyee 2259 This venue features a synthetic tennis court and small sheltered area for players. A playground and skate park are located nearby. Suitable for: , Sports venue
Wyee Oval Summerhayes Road, Wyee 2259 This venue features a concrete cricket wicket and amenities Suitable for: , Sports venue
Wyee Skate Park 114 Wyee Road, Wyee 2259 This is a modular local level skate park with six-foot half pipe. Suitable for: , Sports venue