Albatross Avenue Reserve Playground 24 Albatross Avenue, Cameron Park 2285 This neighbourhood playground is located on Albatross Avenue, Cameron Park Tagged as: , Playground
Alkrington Park Playground Alkrington Avenue, Fishing Point 2283 This playground is located in Alkrington Park, which is on the corner of Alkrington Avenue and Bournville Road at Fishing Point. Tagged as: , Playground
Allambee Park Playground 1A Allambee Place, Valentine 2280 This playground is located in the park between Dilkera Avenue and Allambee Place in Valentine Tagged as: , Playground
Ambleside Park Playground 135 Ambleside Circuit, Lakelands 2282 This playground is located on Ambleside Circuit, Lakelands, between Lakelands Oval and the community centre Tagged as: , Playground
Arcadia Reserve Playground 39A Alexander Parade, Arcadia Vale 2283 This playground is located in a lakeside reserve on Alexander Parade in Arcadia Vale Tagged as: , Playground
Argenton Hall Reserve Playground 7 Elizabeth Street, Argenton 2284 This playground is located on the corner of Robert and Elizabeth streets in Argenton, near the community hall Tagged as: , Playground
Attunga Park Public Reserve Playground 17 Frederick Street, Charlestown 2290 This playground is located in Attunga Park, next to Charlestown Public School Tagged as: , Playground
Bahloo Reserve Playground 10 Munro Street, Windale 2306 This playground is in Bahloo Reserve on Munro Street, Windale, close to shared pathways and a basketball half court. Tagged as: , Playground
Baxter Field Playground 1A Findon Street, Marks Point 2280 This partially fenced playground is on the corner of Harlow and Findon streets in Marks Point, close to Baxter Field and a basketball half court Tagged as: , Playground
Baxter Park Playground 62A Marine Parade, Nords Wharf 2281 This is a shaded playground located in Baxter Park, on the shores of Lake Macquarie Tagged as: , Playground
Beaumarias Park Playground 5 Beaumarias Close, Cameron Park 2285 This playground is located on the corner of Bellona Chase and Beaumarias Close in Cameron Park Tagged as: , Playground
Belmont Lions Park Playground 40 Macquarie Street, Belmont 2280 This fully fenced lakeside playground is located close to shared pathways and Belmont Baths. Tagged as: , Playground
Belmont South Foreshore Park Playground 690A Pacific Highway, Belmont South 2280 This playground is on the Pacific Highway, on the shores of Lake Macquarie Tagged as: , Playground
Bennett Park Playground 139A Dilkera Avenue, Valentine 2280 This shaded playground is located at Hartley Point, Valentine, on the shores of Lake Macquarie Tagged as: , Playground
Bernie Goodwin Oval Playground 59 Newcastle Street, Morisset 2264 This fenced playground is located next to Bernie Goodwin Oval on Newcastle Street at Morisset. Tagged as: , Playground Temporary Closure : The carousel at Bernie Goodwin Oval Playground is being barricaded and temporarily closed. A new piece of equipment is coming to the playground soon. The rest of the playground remains open to the community.
Bicentennial Park Playground 44A Cowlishaw Street, Redhead 2290 This playground is located behind the tennis courts on Cowlishaw Street in Redhead Tagged as: , Playground
Bill Bower Oval Playground 358A Lake Road, Glendale 2285 This shaded playground is located next to Bill Bower Oval in Glendale Tagged as: , Playground
Biriban Reserve Playground 384 Skye Point Road, Coal Point 2283 This playground is located close to the Coal Point Boat Ramp on the shores of Lake Macquarie Tagged as: , Playground
Blackalls Park Playground 1A Blackall Avenue, Blackalls Park 2283 This shaded playground is located in Blackalls Park, on the shores of Lake Macquarie Tagged as: , Playground
Bolton Point Park Playground 68A Middle Point Road, Bolton Point 2283 This playground is on Bolton Point on the shores of Lake Macquarie, next to the community hall Tagged as: , Playground
Bonnells Bay Playground 275 Fishery Point Road, Bonnells Bay 2264 This playground is located next to the Bonnells Bay Youth and Community Centre on Fishery Point Road Tagged as: , Playground
Bunya Park Playground 2A Macquarie Drive, Eleebana 2282 This shaded playground is located in Bunya Park, next to the Warners Bay Community Garden Tagged as: , Playground
Butler Crescent Reserve Playground 6A Butler Crescent, Warners Bay 2282 This neighbourhood park is located between Butler Crescent and Panorama Parade in Warners Bay Tagged as: , Playground
Cameron Park Community Centre Playground 105-107 Northlakes Drive, Cameron Park 2285 This playground is in front of the Cameron Park Community Centre on Northlakes Drive Tagged as: , Playground
Cardale Road Playground 8 Cardale Road, Macquarie Hills 2285 This playground is located on Cardale Road at Macquarie Hills Tagged as: , Playground
Carramar Park Playground 62A Deborah Street, Kotara South 2289 This is a shaded neighbourhood playground in Deborah Street, Kotara South Tagged as: , Playground
Caves Beach Road Reserve Playground 124A Caves Beach Road, Caves Beach 2281 This playground on Caves Beach Road is close to the beach Tagged as: , Playground
Cedar Cutters Playground Cedar Cutters Crescent, Cooranbong 2265 This playground is located on Cedar Cutters Crescent at Cooranbong Tagged as: , Playground
Cedar Street Park Playground 41A Cedar Street, Cardiff 2285 This shaded neighbourhood playground is in Cedar Street, Cardiff Tagged as: , Playground
Chapman Oval Playground 2B Kahibah Street, Swansea 2281 This shaded lakeside playground is located next to Chapman Oval Tagged as: , Playground
Chartley Street Reserve Playground 42 Chartley Street, Warners Bay 2282 This shaded neighbourhood playground is located between Chartley and Whitby streets in Warners Bay Tagged as: , Playground
Clarence Street Reserve Playground 66 Clarence Street, Glendale 2285 This shaded playground is located on Clarence Street in Glendale Tagged as: , Playground
Cooranbong Reserve Playground 513A Freemans Drive, Cooranbong 2265 This is a shaded playground in Cooranbong Reserve Tagged as: , Parks and gardens, Playground, Trails
Country Grove Reserve Playground 17 Country Grove Drive, Cameron Park 2285 This playground is fully fenced. Tagged as: , Playground
Defender Close Reserve Playground Defender Close, Marmong Point 2284 This neighbourhood playground is located between Defender and Courageous closes at Marmong Point Tagged as: , Playground
Dobell Memorial Park Playground 148 Dobell Drive, Wangi Wangi 2267 This playground is in Dobell Memorial Park, on the shores of Lake Macquarie Tagged as: , Playground
Dobinson Reserve Playground 1A Pacific Highway, Blacksmiths 2281 This partially fenced playground is in Dobinson Reserve Tagged as: , Playground
Douglass Street Oval Playground 30 Douglass Street, Dora Creek 2264 This partially fenced playground is on the corner of Awaba Road and Douglass Street at Dora Creek Tagged as: , Playground
Durham Drive Reserve Playground 2A Durham Drive, Edgeworth 2285 This neighbourhood park is located in the reserve next to the child care centre on Durham Drive, Edgeworth Tagged as: , Playground
Edwards Park Playground 1A Second Street, Booragul 2284 This playground is in Edwards Park, on the shores of Lake Macquarie Tagged as: , Playground
Elbrook Drive Reserve Playground 22 Elbrook Drive, Rankin Park 2287 This shaded playground is located on the banks of Blue Wren Creek in Rankin Park Tagged as: , Playground
Eleebana Oval Playground 43 Linden Avenue, Eleebana 2282 This playground is located next to Eleebana Oval on Linden Avenue Tagged as: , Playground
Excalibur Parade Park Playground 19 Excalibur Parade, Valentine 2280 This playground is located next to bushland in Valentine Tagged as: , Playground
Fern Valley Road Reserve Playground 38A Fern Valley Road, Cardiff 2285 This playground is located in the reserve at the end of Adelphi Lane in Cardiff, next to the railway line Tagged as: , Playground
Forest Hills Reserve Playground 9 Gymea Drive, Garden Suburb 2289 This shaded, fully fenced playground is located in Forest Hills Reserve in Garden Suburb Tagged as: , Playground
Forest Lake Estate Playground 15 Peppertree Circuit, Toronto 2283 The playground is located in the reserve off Peppertree Circuit in Toronto Tagged as: , Playground
Frank Watkins Memorial Park Playground 96C Ocean Street, Dudley 2290 This partially fenced playground is located on the corner of Pitt and Ocean streets in Dudley, opposite the Ocean View and Crown Royal hotels and next to Lydon Oval Tagged as: , Playground
Gatts Farm Reserve Playground 108 Regal Way, Valentine 2280 This shaded playground is located on the corner of Aberdeen Drive and Regal Way in Valentine Tagged as: , Playground Temporary Closure : The playground will temporarily close from Tuesday 17 to Friday 21 March for maintenance work.We apologise for any inconvenience.
George Street Reserve Playground 23 George Street, Holmesville 2286 This playground is located in Centennial Park in Holmesville Tagged as: , Playground
Gertrude Street Reserve Playground 27 Gertrude Street, Cardiff South 2285 This shaded playground is located on Gertrude Street in Cardiff South Tagged as: , Playground
Government Road Reserve Playground 7A Government Road, Wyee Point 2259 This playground is located in Wyee Point Reserve, close to bushland and Lake Macquarie Tagged as: , Playground
Gregory Park Complex Playground 19 Hyndes Street, West Wallsend 2286 This partially fenced playground is close to a netball court, basketball court and Les Wakeman Field Tagged as: , Playground
Hall Street Reserve Playground 25 Bulgonia Road, Brightwaters 2264 This playground is located in Brightwaters Park, on the corner of Hall Street and Bulgonia Road Tagged as: , Playground
Harold Wesley Knight Park Playground 65 Lonus Avenue, Whitebridge 2290 This full fenced playground is located next to the preschool on Lonus Avenue, Whitebridge, near Riawenna Park Tagged as: , Playground
Heywood Wilkinson Park Playground 5A Paterson Close, Whitebridge 2290 This playground is located in the Heywood Wilkinson Reserve on Paterson Close at Whitebridge Tagged as: , Playground
Highfields Parade Reserve Playground 67 Highfields Parade, Highfields 2289 This playground is located in the reserve on Highfields Parade Tagged as: , Playground
Highfields Reserve Playground 14B George Street, Highfields 2289 This playground is located behind Club Azzurri on George Street in Highfields Tagged as: , Playground
Hooper Street Park Playground 1A Hooper Street, Charlestown 2290 Creswell Avenue, Hooper Street and Kendall Street border this neighbourhood park in Charlestown Tagged as: , Playground
Irene Austin Reserve Playground Macquarie Road, Morisset Park 2264 This shaded playground is on the corner of Macquarie and Lakeview roads at Morisset Tagged as: , Playground
James Brady Reserve Playground Nanda Street, Marmong Point 2284 This playground is located at Marmong Point, on the shores of Lake Macquarie Tagged as: , Playground
Jewells Parade Reserve Playground 15 Jewells Parade, Jewells 2280 This playground is in a shaded reserve on Jewells Parade Tagged as: , Playground
Kahibah Park Playground 40 Hexham Street, Kahibah 2290 The playground is in a shaded park between Hexham and Frith streets in Kahibah Tagged as: , Playground
Karakai Park playground 90 Lake Forest Drive, Murrays Beach 2281 Playground features swings, slide, climbing structures, natural play elements and more. Adjacent to the playground is a double bat ball court (tennis hit wall), half basketball court and public toilets. Tagged as: , Nature, Parks and gardens, Playground, Recreation reserve, Sports grounds
Keith Barry Oval Playground 281A Awaba Road, Toronto 2283 This is a partially fenced playground, located next to Keith Barry Oval on Awaba Road Tagged as: , Playground
Kestral Avenue Reserve Playground 52 Kestrel Avenue, Mount Hutton 2290 This is a shaded playground in a reserve on Kestral Avenue in Mount Hutton Tagged as: , Playground
Kilaben Park Playground 134C Kilaben Road, Kilaben Bay 2283 This shaded playground is located in the park on the corner of Toronto and Kilaben roads Tagged as: , Playground
Lake Macquarie Variety Playground 19 Park Road, Speers Point 2284 This award-winning all-abilities playground is Lake Macquarie's premier play space. Fully fenced it features inclusive play equipment, a quiet zone, accessible pathways, toilets, parking and an MLAK key accessible changing place. There is also accessible barbecues available in the park. Tagged as: , Playground
Laughlin Park Playground 65 Tudor Street, Belmont 2280 This playground is located opposite Belmont 16s Tagged as: , Playground
Luskin Way Reserve Playground 49 Luskin Way, Belmont North 2280 This playground located behind residences on Luskin Way features inclusive play options Tagged as: , Playground
Macquarie Street Reserve Playground 147 Macquarie Street, Morisset 2264 This shaded playground is located next to the railway line, close to Morisset Station Tagged as: , Playground
Marks Oval Playground 73A Floraville Road, Floraville 2280 This playground is located near Marks Oval and the tennis courts on Floraville Road Tagged as: , Playground
Mullington Park Playground 2 Progress Road, Mount Hutton 2290 This playground is located in Mullington Park, on the corner of Progress Road and Dunkley Parade Tagged as: , Playground
Myuna Bay Rest Area Playground 17 Wangi Road, Myuna Bay 2264 This playground is located at Myuna Bay, on the shores of Lake Macquarie Tagged as: , Playground
Neegulbah Park Playground 123 Lawson Road, Macquarie Hills 2285 This shaded playground is located on the corner of Lawson Road and Delaware Drive at Macquarie Hills Tagged as: , Playground
Northlakes Drive Playground 179 Northlakes Drive, Cameron Park 2285 This playground is located on the corner of Moreton Avenue and Northlakes Drive Tagged as: , Playground
Park Street Reserve Playground 3 Park Street, Killingworth 2278 This shaded playground is located in the reserve on the corner of Park and Stephenson streets in Killingworth Tagged as: , Playground
Pasterfield Playground 18C Horizon Avenue, Cameron Park 2285 This playground is located in the Pasterfield Sports Complex at Cameron Park and features inclusive play options Tagged as: , Playground
Pelican Foreshore Park Playground 1A Lakeview Parade, Pelican 2281 This fully fenced playground is located in the Pelican Foreshore Park, on the shores of Lake Macquarie Tagged as: , Playground Temporary Closure : The playground will temporarily close from Tuesday 1 to Friday 4 April for maintenance work. We apologise for any inconvenience.
Pendlebury Park Playground 65A Grand Parade, Bonnells Bay 2264 This playground is located in Pendlebury Park, on the shores of Lake Macquarie at Bonnells Bay Tagged as: , Playground
Percy Street Playground 25 Percy Street, Hillsborough 2290 This fully fenced playground is located next to the tennis courts and Hillsborough Oval on Percy Street Tagged as: , Playground
Pittman Avenue Reserve Playground 4 Pittman Avenue, Edgeworth 2285 This neighbourhood playground is located in the reserve on Pittman Avenue in Edgeworth Tagged as: , Playground
Rathmines Recreation Area Playground Stilling Street, Rathmines 2283 This playground is located in the Rathmines Recreation Area, on the shores of Lake Macquarie Tagged as: , Playground
Reay Park Playground 15A Ocean Street, Dudley 2290 This shaded and partially fenced playground is located in Reay Park, on the corner of Ocean and Tumut streets in Dudley Tagged as: , Playground
Redhead Winderhouse Playground 1 Geraldton Drive, Redhead 2290 This fenced playground is located outside the historic Lambton Colliery winder house, at the intersection of Geraldton Drive and Hovea Place in Redhead Tagged as: , Playground
Reids Reserve Playground Lambton Parade, Swansea Heads 2281 This playground is located in Reids Reserve on the shores of Lake Macquarie Tagged as: , Playground
Richard Allen Park Playground 45 Jonathan Street, Warners Bay 2282 This playground is located in Richard Allen Park on Jonathan Street Tagged as: , Playground
Richards Road Reserve Playground 3A Richards Road, Swansea 2281 This playground is located next to bushland on Richards Road Tagged as: , Playground
Robert 'Dutchy' Holland Oval Playground 2A Olney Street, Awaba 2283 This playground is located at Robert 'Dutchy' Holland Oval on Olney Street Tagged as: , Playground
Roy McDougall Park Playground 6 Northwood Road, Catherine Hill Bay 2281 This playground is located on the corner of Flowers Drive and Northwood Road, near the oval Tagged as: , Playground
Russell Reserve Playground 14A Russell Avenue, Adamstown Heights 2289 This shaded playground is located in a reserve on Russell Avenue Tagged as: , Playground
Seaham Street Reserve Playground 73 Seaham Street, Holmesville 2286 This shaded playground is located in a reserve on Seaham Street Tagged as: , Playground
Shingle Splitters Point Playground 1A Queen Street, Balcolyn 2264 This playground is located at Shingle Splitters Point, on the shores of Lake Macquarie Tagged as: , Playground
Silky Oak Park Playground 36 Silky Oak Drive, Caves Beach 2281 This shaded playground is located in the park behind residences on Silky Oak Drive in Caves Beach Tagged as: , Playground
Somerset Street Reserve Playground 8A Somerset Street, Belmont North 2280 This playground is located in the reserve on Somerset Street, Belmont North Tagged as: , Playground
Spinnaker Ridge Reserve Playground 10 Genoa Close, Belmont 2280 This fully fenced playground is located close to bushland at the end of Genoa Close in Belmont Tagged as: , Playground
St John Memorial Park Playground 68A Violet Town Road, Tingira Heights 2290 This playground is located in St John Memorial Park, next to the fire station on the corner of King Street and Violet Town Road in Tingira Heights Tagged as: , Playground
Sunshine Park Playground Sunshine Parade, Sunshine 2264 This shaded playground is in Sunshine Park, on the shores of Lake Macquarie Tagged as: , Playground
Sylvia Grozdanovski Park Playground 91A Cadaga Road, Gateshead 2290 This playground is located in the park between Cadaga and Hickory roads and Oxford Street in Gateshead Tagged as: , Playground
Tallowood Circuit Park Playground 35 Tallowood Circuit, Charlestown 2290 This fully fenced playground is located in the reserve on the corner of Tallowood Circuit and Timbercrest Chase in Charlestown. The playground is also accessible via Jergi Close. Tagged as: , Playground
Taylor Park Complex Playground 1A Johnson Avenue, Barnsley 2278 This shaded playground is located in Taylor Park, between Appletree and Government roads in Barnsley Tagged as: , Playground
Thomas H Halton Park Playground Bareki Road, Eleebana 2282 This lakeside playground is located in Thomas H Halton Park on Bareki Road, close to a range of amenities Tagged as: , Playground
Toronto Bay Foreshore Playground 30 Victory Row, Toronto 2283 This partially fenced playground is located at Toronto Foreshore, on the shores of Lake Macquarie. Accessible parking and an accessible toilet with MLAK key access are nearby. Tagged as: , Playground
Toronto Lions Park Playground 2B Anzac Parade, Toronto 2283 This playground is located in Toronto Lions Park, on the shores of Lake Macquarie. Accessible parking and an accessible toilet with MLAK key access are available at the park. Tagged as: , Playground
Tulkaba Park Playground 4A York Street, Teralba 2284 This partially fenced playground is located near the tennis courts on York Street in Teralba Tagged as: , Playground
Turnbull Street Reserve Playground 34 Turnbull Street, Edgeworth 2285 This playground is located on the corner of Turnbull and Johnson streets in Edgeworth Tagged as: , Playground
Ulinga Park Playground 1A Lodwick Lane, Cardiff South 2285 This shaded playground is located in the Ulinga Park at the end of Cross Street in Cardiff South. Accessible parking is available at the complex. Tagged as: , Playground
Ungala Road Reserve Playground 122 Ungala Road, Blacksmiths 2281 This playground is located in a shaded reserve on the corner of Gommera Street and Ungala Road in Blacksmiths. Accessible parking and an accessible toilet with MLAK key access is located nearby at Blacksmiths Beach. Tagged as: , Playground
Vermont Place Park Playground 5 Vermont Place, Warners Bay 2282 This playground is located along the Watagan Track, close to bushland at the end of Vermont Place in Warners Bay Tagged as: , Playground
Walkern Road Reserve Playground 44 Walkern Road, New Lambton Heights 2305 This playground is located in a shaded reserve at the end of Walkern Road in New Lambton Tagged as: , Playground
Wangi Holiday Park Reserve Playground 2A Reserve Road, Wangi Wangi 2267 This playground is located in a shaded reserve, close to Wangi Point Holiday Park, on the shores of Lake Macquarie Tagged as: , Playground
Wangi Wangi Foreshore Reserve Playground Market Street, Wangi Wangi 2267 This playground is located behind the Wangi Workers Club, on the shores of Lake Macquarie Tagged as: , Playground
Warner Park Playground 1 John Street, Warners Bay 2282 This fully fenced playground, next to the Lake Mac Centre for Performing Arts on Lake Street, offers inclusive play options. Accessible parking and an accessible toilet are also located nearby. Tagged as: , Playground
Webb Park Playground 2A Beach Road, Redhead 2290 This playground is located in Webb Park on Beach Road at Redhead and features inclusive play options. Accessible parking and an accessible toilet are available at the park. Tagged as: , Playground
Wilkinson Park Playground 173 Myall Road, Cardiff 2285 This playground is in a shaded park between Myall Road and Railway Parade at Cardiff Tagged as: , Playground
Wyee Community Hall Reserve Playground 114 Wyee Road, Wyee 2259 This fully fenced playground is located next to the community hall on Wyee Road, Wyee. Accessible parking is available outside the hall. Tagged as: , Playground