Fitness trails

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If you like to get active outdoors, why not try out one of our outdoor gyms and fitness trails.

Cameron Park

Get a sweat up at Pasterfield Sports Complex with outdoor fitness equipment, a dedicated parkour area and a 1km shared pathway.

Croudace Bay

Located within Thomas H Halton Park is Lake Macquarie's newest outdoor gym, featuring outdoor fitness equipment and exercise circuit.


An outdoor exercise circuit is located within Bernie Goodwin Memorial Park.

Speers Point

Located on the shore of Lake Macquarie, there are six stations spread out over 1.5km, combining both strength and cardio.


Five fitness stations spanning from Swansea Swim Centre along Channel Street to Thomas Humphreys Reserve.

Warners Bay

The four stations spread out over 1km along Warners Bay foreshore allow a full body workout with cardio intervals.

Wangi Bay

The Wangi Bay fitness trail features multiple stations located on the shared pathway between Wangi Workers Club and Wangi RSL. The fitness trail was installed as a Wangi Lions Club project.