If you pay your rates by installments they are required to be paid on the dates above. If paying annually the due date is 31 August 2023.
Previously, the approval to operate an on-site septic system was issued through debtors every three years. From 1 July 2020, an annual On-Site Sewage Management Fee (OSSM) will appear on the rates notice of applicable property owners.
We are required to issue approvals for OSSM under Section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993. This provides appropriate resources to protect public health standards and our environment.
Individuals and businesses who are under financial hardship, are encouraged to apply for Financial Hardship Assistance. We can assist in various ways based on your circumstances, from waiving applicable interest or allowing flexible payment plans for outstanding debts.
If you are experiencing difficulty meeting your payment obligations for reasons out of your control and wish to request an extension or a payment arrangement please email or phone our Debt Management team.