Our Customer Service Centre is temporarily located at Speers Point Library, opposite Council's Administration Building.
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About half of Council’s yearly income comes from rates. Your rates help us provide the Lake Macquarie community with services including road maintenance, footpaths and cycleways, upkeep of parks and reserves, planning and development services, our Lake Mac Libraries and Swim Centres, lifeguard services on our beaches, dedicated services for young people, families, people with disability and the over 55s.
Pay your rates online
Your notice schedule explained
Sign up to receive your rates notice by email
View your rate account payment history
Apply for a refund on overpaid rates or apply to have a payment transferred to another account.
If you have undergone a name change, you can advise us to update your name on your rate notice.
Change the postal address on your rate notice
Use our secure payment gateway to make a payment online
Set up a new direct debit payment for your rates, or cancel or amend your existing direct debit rates payment
Set up direct debit for a sundry debtor account.
Apply for a Section 603 Certificate to see outstanding rates, charges and debts payable to Council in relation to a property
Eligible pensioners can apply for a rebate on their rates
Apply for financial hardship assistance in relation to your rates.
Notify of deceased property owner
Have an enquiry about your rates?
Providing third party access to a rate account.