Pay or enquire about a parking fine

parking signs

Revenue NSW is responsible for the receipt and processing of fines as well as administering the enforcement system to collect unpaid fines. To manage your penalty please refer to the Revenue website, via the Service NSW app or by phone on 1300 138 118.

Council uses the 'Print and Post' fine delivery service system to issue parking related fines via Revenue NSW. In most circumstances, parking fines are no longer placed on the vehicle windscreens. Instead, Revenue NSW will post the fine to you on behalf of Lake Macquarie City Council. 

If you wish to dispute a fine - Request a review

To request a review of a fine, contact Revenue NSW

Or If you believe your fine was issued incorrectly you can request to have it reviewed by Revenue NSW by completing an online request for review

If you wish to pay a fine – Paying your notice

If you have received a penalty notice, you can pay it online or view your options at the Revenue NSW website.

Revenue NSW can be contacted by phoning 1300 138 112 or by mail - PO Box 786 Strawberry Hills NSW 2012.