Saving energy at home

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Easy ways to improve comfort, use less electricity and save money on your power bills.

Shop around for a better deal from your energy provider

It’s a free, independent government service to help you find the best plan for you.

Want to get some or all of your electricity from renewable sources like wind and solar?

Check out the green electricity guide for easy-to-use independent information on environmentally friendly energy providers.

Seal cracks and gaps. Draught proofing your home is inexpensive and can save you up to 25 per cent on your heating bills
  • Fit draught stoppers under doors or use door snakes
  • Make sure windows and doors are properly sealed – get stick-on draught proofing strips
  • Seal around skirting boards, architraves, vents and lights with a sealant, expanding foam or gap filler rod (check the manufacturer’s label for directions)
Borrow a home energy audit toolkit from your local library

This includes an easy-to-use power mate to measure the electricity usage and costs of your appliances, and a thermal camera to identify gaps or cracks in your home where air is escaping.

Use less hot water

Have shorter showers, wash clothes with cold water on a short cycle.

Switch it off

Turn off lights when you leave a room and appliances (including computers and TVs) at the wall.

Use curtains, blinds or outdoor awnings to cover your windows

Maximise temperature control all year around by using curtains, blinds and awnings to keep the warm air in during winter and the cool air in during summer.

Upgrade the insulation in your roof, walls and floor
Use reverse cycle air condition to cool and heat your home

Reverse cycle uses the least electricity to run! Set it to 19 or 20 degrees – it’s the most cost-effective temperature setting.

Replacing your appliances?

Choose electric machines with a good energy rating – the more stars the less they cost to run.

Do it in the day!

If you’ve got solar panels use the timers on your machines (e.g. washing and dishwashing) to run during the day when your panels are generating the most electricity, try for 10am-3pm.

Check out what rebates are available to financially assist you make these changes.

See a Lake Macquarie resident’s journey to retrofit her home and how she no longer pays energy bills.

Sign-up for a webinar on how to make your home energy efficient.