Council committees

Council committees are a way for the community to provide input on a range of issues and help us to deliver objectives under the Community Strategic Plan.

We have four types of committees:

  1. Reference committees are focused on addressing a specific action, project or deliverable, and provides insight or expertise to inform existing Council activities.
  2. Grants assessment committees assess applications for funding from grants programs that are offered by Council.
  3. Recommendation committees make formal recommendations to the elected Council about matters of strategic priority.
  4. Awards committees make binding decisions about award recipients on behalf of the city.

Opportunities to get involved with our committees become available from time to time.

Committees which include community representation are:

Reference Committees

Reference Committee

Committee objectives

Councillor members

Access and Inclusion Advisory Panel

Represents interests of older people, carers, and people with disability to ensure equity of access to services and facilities for all residents.

Councillor Warner

Lake Macquarie Youth Council

Acts as a voice for young people and provides advice to Council and stakeholders from the perspective of young people in Lake Macquarie City.

Assists Council to deliver annual Youth Week funding and events.

Mayor Adam Shultz and Councillors Antcliff, Radcliffe and Swinsburg

Cultural Collections Consultative Committee

Supports the delivery of the Lake Macquarie City Council Cultural Collections Strategy by representing the interests of the community and arts and cultural industry.

Councillors Bishop, Buckley and Schultz

Aquatic Services Committee

Advises Council about foreshore aquatic facilities and discusses issues relating to lake usage.

Method of communication and collaboration between Council, government departments and groups who are directly involved in the use and health of Lake Macquarie and its estuaries.

Councillors Schultz and Swinsburg


Grants Assessment Committees

Grants Assessment Committee

Committee objectives

Councillor members

Heritage Grants Committee

Recommends allocation of Local Heritage funding to projects that have the greatest benefit to the protection of heritage in Lake Macquarie City.

The committee also provides advice on a range of heritage-related matters which are of interest to the community and initiatives to advance the Arts, Heritage and Cultural Plan 2017-2027.

Councillors Adamthwaite, Bishop and Schultz

Community Environment Grants Committee

Recommends allocation of Community Environment Grants funding in accordance with Council’s Sustainability Policy, the Environmental Sustainability Strategy and Action Plan and other associated plans and strategies.

Councillors Adamthwaite and Bishop


Recommendation Committee

Recommendation Committee

Committee objectives

Councillor members

Lake Macquarie Coastal Zone Management Committee

Provides guidance and assistance to Council on coastal, estuary and floodplain management, in accordance with the NSW Coastal Management Manual and NSW Flood Risk Management Manual.

Councillor Schultz


Awards Committees

Awards Committee

Committee objectives

Councillor members

Lake Mac Awards

Selects award recipients for the Lake Mac Awards program on behalf of Council and assists with the promotion, management and objectives of the awards program.

Mayor Adam Shultz and Councillors Grigg, Radcliffe and Warner

Lake Macquarie Business Excellence Awards

Selects award recipients for the Lake Macquarie Business Excellence Awards program on behalf of the city and assists with the promotion, management and objectives of the awards program.

Winners of several categories of the Lake Macquarie Business Excellence Awards progress to the Business Hunter Awards. Winners of several categories of the Business Hunter Awards progress to the Business NSW Awards.

Mayor Adam Shultz and Councillors Antcliff, Bishop and Warner


Current Expressions of Interest