Our Customer Service Centre is temporarily located at Speers Point Library, opposite Council's Administration Building.
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Our Disability Inclusion Action Plan guides Council's planning and actions up to 2025. The plan was developed with the community to identify and break down barriers for those with disability living and working in Lake Macquarie.
The Plan covers the following four focus areas:
The Disability Inclusion Action Plan is available in the following formats:
The Access and Inclusion Advisory Panel 2022-26 identifies actions that Council can take to improve access to services and facilities, while raising awareness of ageing and disability within Council and the community. The panel supports initiatives which promote non-discriminatory access and use of services and facilities and monitors Council's non-discriminatory access and use policies and their implementation.
The Panel also contributes information for Council's plans and policies relevant to the target groups and provides advice to Council on programs and events to ensure the inclusion of people from the target groups.
The Panel operates in accordance with the Access and Inclusion Advisory Panel Charter(PDF, 207KB).