Homelessness and community resources
Resources to utilise and promote for supporting people experiencing or at risk of homelessness or other vulnerabilities in Lake Macquarie, and the wider Hunter.
Lake Mac Urgent Support Information
Here you will find a list of places to go when people in our community need urgent support. It includes National Helplines, housing, food, finances, and most importantly, where our community hubs are across the local government area. If you have any feedback on this resource, please get in touch by contacting us at
Hunter Homeless Connect Directory
Hunter Homeless Connect’s Community Directory is a valuable resource connecting those in need with support services in the region, across multiple LGAs including Newcastle, Lake Macquarie, Singleton, Muswellbrook, Cessnock, Maitland, Hunter Valley & Central Coast.
If you would like your service to appear in the Hunter Homeless Community Directory, there are a few steps to follow below:
- List your organisation on the My Community Directory website here https://www.mycommunitydirectory.com.au/Register. It’s free.
- Send an email to info@hunterhomelessconnect.org.au once you have completed the above step and we will tag your service in the back end of the website, so it’s included in our downloadable PDF directory.
- Already listed on the website but not appearing in the HHC Directory? Refer to step 2 above.
- Already listed on the website and noticed an error in your listing? Email support@mycommunitydirectory.com.au or call 1300 762 515.
- If you have any queries about the HHC Community Directory, please email Michelle Faithfull at info@hunterhomelessconnect.org.au
Report a Rough Sleeper at St Vincent De Paul – Matthew Talbot Homeless Service
The Matthew Talbot Homeless Service provides support to men experiencing homelessness and men with children across the Newcastle and Lake Macquarie Local Government Areas. They do this through undertaking assertive outreach which includes visiting parks, streets, services and homes. They also liaise with local Councils, rangers, libraries, Police and other community stakeholders.
The service can assist people in the following ways:
- Assistance with accommodation
- Support to maintain tenancies
- Support to address health concerns, doctors visit onsite weekly
- Support to identify goals
- Support to link with legal services
- Support with Centrelink, who visit onsite fortnightly
- Assistance to pay off State Debt by way of Work Development Orders
- Onsite Smart Recovery Program
Matthew Talbot Homeless Service operates from a “No Wrong Door” perspective. If women and/or families access the centre they can work collaboratively with a specialist homelessness women’s service to assist and provide support.
Mathew Homeless Service Location:
82 Hannell Street, Wickham and can visit homeless people at any location throughout Newcastle and Lake Macquarie.
Contact Point:
Ph: (02) 49611411
Email: mtcwickham@vinnies.org.au
Service Seeker Website
Infoexchange Service Seeker is Australia's most extensive health, welfare and community services directory. Service Seeker provides up-to-date information across a number of classifications including aged, counselling, disability, drug and alcohol, education & training, employment, family, financial, health, housing, law, multicultural, recreation and youth. Service Seeker also powers Ask Izzy. Access Service Seeker here:
Service Seeker Website
Ask Izzy
Ask Izzy is a website that connects people in need with housing, a meal, money help, family violence support, counselling and much more. It is free and anonymous with over 370,000 services listed across Australia. If you're on the Telstra or Vodaphone networks, you can access Ask Izzy without credit or internet wifi. Access Ask Izzy here: Ask Izzy Website
Car 2 Home Project
Car 2 Home Project is a designated private car park space that allows men, couples, women or families who are sleeping in their cars a place to park and sleep, in the Newcastle and Lake Macquarie areas.
Car 2 Home offer 24/7 access to bathroom, kitchen and laundry facilities in the aim of making life a little easier. Support workers will assist clients to connect with service providers to access community supports and programs if that's what is needed. All services are provided free of charge. Our Backyard — Macquarie Care
NOVA for Women and Children Online Referrals
NOVA for Women and Children accept self-referrals or referrals from external services and other Specialist Homelessness Services.
For self referrals, customers can call the intake line 1800 769 654, at that time they can either speak to support staff if available, or leave a detailed message and our intake worker will return your call. The intake worker will then make an appointment with the customer to assess their needs and link them in with the most appropriate supports.
Other tips from NOVA:
Have they used Temporary Accommodation with Housing NSW?
Temporary accommodation may assist while waiting to link in with NOVA. Link2Home is a 24 hour telephone service for people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Link2Home can be called on 1800 152 152. Or Housing NSW can be contacted on 1300 305 667.
Are they escaping domestic or family violence? The Domestic Violence Line can be contacted on 1800 65 64 63 for crisis counselling and referral.
Specialist Homelessness Service offer a no wrong door policy and will refer between services to ensure customers can be supported regardless of gender or family demographic.
You can access NOVA referral information and documents via their website here: NOVA for Women and Children Website
Legal Support
Hunter Tenants Advice and Advocacy Service
HTAAS can support tenants to get extra time before a need to leave the property if they have received an eviction notice. Tenants do not need to leave the premises until they are served with an order from the Tenancy Tribunal.
Hunter Tenants' Advice and Advocacy Service provides free telephone advice, information, advocacy, and (where appropriate) representation at the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT). You can access their website and information resources here: Hunter Tenants Advice and Advocacy Website
We can assist people who are:
- renting privately through a landlord or Real Estate Agent,
- tenants in Public and Community housing,
- tenants renting Caravan Parks,
- homeowners in Land Lease Communities, and
- residents of Boarding Houses,
and you live in Newcastle, Lake Macquarie, Port Stephens, Maitland, Cessnock, Singleton, Upper Hunter, Muswellbrook or the Great Lakes areas of Mid Coast Local Government Area.
Access is via the telephone advice line on 4969 7666 or freecall 1800 654 504. If you can't get through during advice hours, please keep trying. You can leave a message outside advice hours and we will endeavour to give you a call back within 24 hours.
If you have an Order of the Tribunal, a Notice of Termination or are being threatened with eviction please fill in the contact form here: https://forms.gle/pzBzpTxLziDazVKC7