Wangi Quilters Club Inc.


Wangi Quilters Club Inc. meet every Wednesday from 9.30 am at Wangi Uniting Church Hall, 3 French Rd Wangi Wangi 2267

Wangi Quilters Club love to welcome new members of all ages and have a variety of activities you can join in with, or just bring your own projects to work on. Hand work or sewing machine work - whatever you like.

Morning tea is provided by members, on a roster system, plus bottomless tea/coffee. Bring your own lunch.
They support community events and donate to local charities too as well as working together on projects, on Block of the Month or just your own projects.

Your first 3 meetings are free then it's $45 for membership and $30 p.a. thereafter.

For more details, please email [email protected].