Our Customer Service Centre is temporarily located at Speers Point Library, opposite Council's Administration Building.
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Join Macquarie Care for an empowering session of education about the red flags and early warning signs of coercive control, using the tragic but inspirational story of Hannah Clarke and her three children.
The “Small Steps 4 Hannah Foundation” exists to halt the cycle of domestic violence so that everyone can feel respected, informed, confident to act and safe.
Presented by DV prevention educator and former cricketer, Michael Jeh, from the “Small Steps 4 Hannah Foundation”, this workshop will help drive behaviour change and provide insights to how every person in the community can play a role in ending domestic and family violence. The seminar is free of charge, but if you want to give, you can donate to the Small Steps 4 Hannah Foundation here: https://businesscards.io/c/e0d6bccb-7962-4b65-ae49-9c6978bb5f2d
date/ time / location 2 April 2025 7pm- 9pm