HIPPY Eastlakes - FREE Early Childhood Program

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HIPPY is a two-year Early Childhood Learning Program that starts the year the child is turning 3. The activity packs for age 3 will be more play-based activities involving fun and learning during your journey. The activities will become more and more structured as your child's journey progresses and your child moves into the age 4 cohort in preparation for the transition to school.

Each family doing HIPPY is assigned a Tutor/mentor who meets with you fortnightly in age 3 and weekly in age 4 for around an hour to go over the activities and answer any questions you might have regarding the activities. You then do the activities with your child through the fortnight/week (around 15 minutes a day).

HIPPY Eastlakes also hosts a monthly gathering for age 3 families and a fortnightly gathering for age 4 families where we offer an opportunity for you to meet with other HIPPY families and community organisations that are linked with early childhood services, participate in craft activities and messy play with your child and in age 4 receive a pack delivery.

HIPPY Eastlakes is based on the grounds of Windale Public School and works with families in Windale, Mount Hutton, Belmont North, Belmont, Gateshead, Tingira Heights, Charlestown South and surrounding suburbs.

To find out more information please contact the HIPPY Coordinator - Courtney Tisdell on 0493 201 944 or at [email protected]