Our Customer Service Centre is temporarily located at Speers Point Library, opposite Council's Administration Building.
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The noticeboard is a place for residents and community organisations to find the latest news from community and social services in Lake Macquarie. All content is submitted by community organisations. Council provides the noticeboard facility and approves submissions before publication. Stay up to date with the noticeboard by signing up to our newsletter.
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Fashion Sale - Fundraising Initiative
Spicy Brain - a free community event in celebration of creativity and diversity
Raise are looking for mentors to support a young person in the community. Full training provided.
Join community for a fun evening of cultural celebration and food at Pasterfield Community Centre Cameron Park
A pleasant afternoon celebrating the music of love, brought to you by the Stilling Street Singers.
Youth drop in space at Bonnells Bay hosted by CALM Come along and enjoy the fun!
Hunter Women’s Centre is celebrating it’s 50th Birthday& to commemorate this significant milestone, we will be hosting a grand birthday ball on Friday 13 June .
A Webinar for Primary Care Providers, Aged Care & NDIS Providers
Art Lovers Movement annual art exhibition and sale of work from 21-23 March 2025.
Lake Macquarie City Council is planning how to manage and coordinate spontaneous volunteers during and following emergency and disaster events.
A free 4-week after-school boys cultural program delivered by Cameron McCann from Thurri-Li Cultural Circles, with a focus on traditional dance and yidaki running here at Edgeworth Memorial Neighbourhood Centre in March.
Join us for a harbour cruise around Newcastle tocelebrate International Women’s Day with special guests and fun filled activities.
Hour long Christian based meeting
Research into the role of female sex hormones in asthma for women pre and post menopause or using a combined pill
Join Macquarie Care on 2 April 2025 for an empowering session of education about the red flags and early warning signs of coercive control, using the tragic but inspirational story of Hannah Clarke and her three children.
Adult volunteers with asthma are needed for a new study involving nutrition and exercise
Kinder Fun Club is a free Transition to School Program for 4-year-olds.
HIPPY is taking expressions of interest for children who are 3 or turning 3 before July 31 2025
Join the team at CALM and discover practical tools and strategies to navigate the teen years.
OzHarvest are looking for garden volunteers at their Harvest Garden at the PCYC in Windale.
Running each Thursday at 7pm online or at Dora Creek Workers Club
12-week Dialectical Behaviour Therapy Skills Group for young people aged 13-17
Join us for a day of fun out on the Golf Course
The aim of the education is to raise community awareness about gambling related harms and supports.
Life Without Barriers offers a safe and supportive home environment for children who need time away from their families. Currently recruiting foster carers.
Are you a parent of a 3- to -5-year-old? We are researching screen time, sleep, and development.
Train as a volunteer mentor with Raise and support a teenager in a high school near you.
A list of local directories and referral options to support customers experiencing or at risk of homelessness in Lake Macquarie and the Hunter. Updated August 2024
Psychology, OT and Speech Services available
Proudly supported by Lake Macquarie City Council, join the guys from The Man Walk as they officially launch their social connection group in Warners Bay this Sunday, 7 am. Complimentary coffees and sausages will be available on this special day.
Bookings Essential by contacting Liam on 40721000 or email at community@emnc.org.au
Pat Conroy's monthly newsletter details a number of grant opportunities that could benefit the many community organisations across the Shortland electorate.
Topic - 'Getting to know your Apple Device'
Join us for Cultural Responsibility Training at the Landcare and Sustainable Living Centre, umali barai-ku.
Fiesta is a showcase of food, fun and dancing, singing and painting and gardens and animals etc.
Matthew Talbot Homeless Service are trialling a Hub space at Toronto Library on the Thursday 16 March and Thursday 13 April 10am - 1pm
Newcastle PROBUS Club monthly meeting at Souths Leagues Club, Merewether
Social Rock & Roll & Line Dancing Club
Come and visit our Toronto Community Kitchen- Everybody is welcome!
A local volunteer support group for men and families with prostate concerns.
A social group for seniors to meet and enjoy the company of similarly aged people.
CPS provides non-clinical services to people with severe mental ill health, who aren’t accessing NDIS, to help build functional capacity and enable personal recovery.
Take what you need and leave what you can.
Do you have unpaid fines? You could be eligible for a WDO. People who are eligible for a WDO can clear their fines with approved activities.
Emergencies can happen when you least expect them. To protect your life and the wellbeing of your family and friends, it is important to be prepared for emergencies, whether you’re at home, at work, or on holidays.