Livestock registration

Roaming livestock can pose a hazard for road travellers and be a nuisance for neighbouring landholders. If you own livestock, you must ensure your animals do not stray onto public roads.

If livestock are straying on the road, contact the police to prevent a traffic incident. Council rangers can also assist by containing livestock straying on public land and may impound or secure the animals until the owner is located.

Stock straying from one private property to another is a civil matter in which the Council cannot get involved, even if the livestock are damaging property. Always contact the animal’s owner (if known) first to inform them of their animal trespassing on your private land.

Stock register

Our rangers maintain a stock register to aid in the return of animals, especially during emergencies caused by severe weather or local disasters

Owners can register their livestock online. The register excludes pets and poultry (chickens, roosters, turkeys, ducks, and geese).

Definition of livestock
Livestock refers to horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, goats, deer, llamas, alpacas, camels and the like.


Register your livestock

Step 1.Have a back up

We suggest submitting a secondary contact person with your form, who we can contact about your stray livestock if we cannot get in touch with you.

Step 2.Register

Do you keep chickens, horses or other livestock at your residential property? To ensure your animals are safe, happy and not impacting your neighbours, please read our Keeping animals in residential areas brochure.(PDF, 2MB)

If you would like to build a structure to keep birds or other non-domestic animals, please call us on 4921 0333 to see if a development application is required.