Off-leash areas

We'd made changes to the off-leash area at Hams Beach to make sure everyone can safely enjoy the area. Take a moment to read up on the changes before your next visit. 

Lake Macquarie has 32 dog off-leash areas including two fenced dog parks, three beach off-leash areas and 27 shared off-leash areas.

These areas have been designated to enable your dog to exercise off-leash. While using dog off-leash areas, dog owners must:

  • ensure their dog is supervised at all times and under effective control
  • follow any conditions displayed on-site
  • abide to the time restrictions where applicable
  • pick up and dispose of dog waste in an appropriate bin.

Many of the existing off-leash areas will be amended as identified in the Dogs in Open Space Strategy. These changes will be implemented over the coming years as new signage is installed. The proposed off-leash areas can be found in Appendix 1 of the strategy. The locations below will be updated as amendments are implemented. 

Fenced dog parks

Shared off-leash areas


Dogs are only allowed to be off-leash in leash free designated areas approved by Lake Macquarie Council. 

Dog prohibited areas

There are areas of open space where dogs are prohibited.