Our Customer Service Centre is temporarily located at Speers Point Library, opposite Council's Administration Building.
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Council has a range of programs and services designed to help your business operate safely and successfully.
Guidelines on opening businesses that involves regulated water systems and public pools
Guidelines on opening a hair, beauty or tattoo business
Information and services for owners and operators of food businesses
Home-based activities like hairdressing, accountancy, bookkeeping, child care, commercial food preparation and bed and breakfast accommodation may require Council approval
We welcome all new event ideas and have various resources available to assist you with planning your event
Local councils are responsible for regulating privately owned Underground Petroleum Storage Systems (UPSS)
Find out what approvals you need to run a mobile business in Lake Macquarie
To operate a street stall in Lake Macquarie, a permit is required.
Apply for Film Licence Approval in Lake Macquarie.