Our Customer Service Centre is temporarily located at Speers Point Library, opposite Council's Administration Building.
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We’ve taken an unique approach to economic development by establishing Dantia in 2014, to work with business, investors and all levels of government. Dantia is an independent organisation that provides an agile and commercially responsive approach to the growth of the economy and jobs.
Dantia creates opportunity through empowering people and entities to grow and prosper in the Lake Macquarie region. Dantia is ready to assist you to invest, expand or relocate to Lake Mac.
Dashworks offers modern co-working, private office, virtual office, and meeting room hire for innovators, creators, and doers in Lake Mac and the Hunter.
Our spaces are thoughtfully designed with all the essentials you need to accommodate your flexible working arrangements.
For more information, visit Dashworks.
Grant Guru is a free tool help local Lake Mac businesses, community groups, and not-for-profit organisations navigate the world of grant funding.
Learn more about how your business can benefit from Grant Guru.