Our Customer Service Centre is temporarily located at Speers Point Library, opposite Council's Administration Building.
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Council provides a commercial recycling service for paper, cardboard, aluminium and steel cans, hard plastics and glass. We also provide commercial food and green waste services. The cost of Council's green waste and recycling service is significantly cheaper than commercial garbage collection services. Find more information here.
Hospitality businesses have the opportunity to participate in the Bin Trim Program, which enables businesses to divert waste from landfill, helping the environment and saving money. Businesses who have completed a Bin Trim waste assessment may be eligible to apply for a Bin Trim Rebate of up to $50,000 for 50% of the cost to purchase or lease technology or equipment to avoid, reduce, reuse or recycle business waste.
The Hunter Joint Organisation and Go Circular are delivering the Bin Trim Program in the Hunter. For more information visit Go Circular.
Get your workplace involved in corporate environmental volunteering with our Eco Angel program. The Eco Angel program supports businesses in hosting a clean-up even in local parks, bushland reserves and foreshore areas. Council will provide all the necessary equipment and will organise for the waste to be removed and disposed of. The Eco Angel program provides your business with a unique opportunity to be directly involved with improving your local community and environment, while enjoying a great team building opportunity.
If your business has unwanted food that is going to waste, you can sign up to be a food donor with OzHarvest. OzHarvest is Australia's leading food rescue organisation, collecting quality excess food from commercial outlets and delivering it directly to more than 1,000 charities supporting people in need across the country. You can donate food on a regular basis or as a one-off. Visit ozharvest.org or call OzHarvest Newcastle on 4940 0467 to organise a pick up.