Our Customer Service Centre is temporarily located at Speers Point Library, opposite Council's Administration Building.
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This course is an introduction to the basic drawing skills all artists should know about. Through a series of exercises you will gain a better understanding of the concepts of perspective, proportion and composition. Level: Beginners welcome Bookings Essential 4 x sessions - $100pp (Optional further 4 sessions if you choose to continue) Materials list available Closed Shoes Essential Wed 10am-12pm 5/2/20 – 26/2/20
Book online
First Street, Booragul, 2284, View in Google Maps
First Street , Booragul 2284
Google Map Instructions
Press arrow keys to pan
Press plus or minus keys to zoom
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Press M for roadmap view
Press S for satellite view
Press H for hybrid view
Press T for terrain view
$100 per person