Abstract Human Radio - Hearing Now

Next date: Friday, 28 March 2025 | 05:00 PM to 08:00 PM

‘Hearing Now’ is a project by artist Finley Wegener that brings experimental music performance into collaboration with natural sounds

Using environmental sounds captured with field and underwater microphones, Fin Wegener composes layers of ambient music that respond to and decorate his surroundings, revealing harmonies and rhythms that hide in the natural everyday. These long-form decorations of natural soundscapes can underscore the wonder of a distant dusk chorus, or connect listeners to hidden sound worlds within bodies of water. With musical complements intended to relax and attune the ear, ‘Hearing Now’ performances are wonderful opportunities to recline, recuperate, and submerge into the captivating world of environmental sound.

Finley Wegener Bio:

Finley Wegener is an audiovisual artist and musician practicing on the Kabi Kabi lands of South East Queensland. Motivated by art’s capacity to connect audiences to their surroundings, Fin passionately crafts interactive performances that amplify and respond to environments and their ecology. Fin’s has presented installations and performances at SEQ festivals such as Brisbane Art & Design Festival, Horizon Festival, Yonder, and Outbound, as well as juried work in the International Symposium on Electronic Art 2024. With backgrounds in music, creative production and interactive technology, his portfolio has blurred lines between the participatory and the spectacle, with several works involving dance, interaction and environmental data as sources of unpredictable influence. This Autumn, Fin is travelling down the East Coast to perform with a range of environments and communities as part of his ongoing research project at the University of the Sunshine Coast, ‘Hearing Now’.


‘Hearing Now’ is a higher-degree research project facilitated by the University of the Sunshine Coast: School of Business and Creative Industries. The project is supported by and contributes to a body of research conducted by the Creative Ecologies Research Cluster led by Leah Barclay and Toby Gifford.

To listen to Fin Wegener's music, visit Music | Abstract Human Radio


  • Friday, 28 March 2025 | 05:00 PM - 08:00 PM


Multi-Arts Pavilion (MAP mima) Lake Macquarie, 96 Creek Reserve Road, Speers Point, 2284, View in Google Maps

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