Please report fallen trees or debris on roads to Council on 4921 0333. Please report fallen trees on property to NSW SES on 132 500.
Our Customer Service Centre is temporarily located at Speers Point Library, adjacent to Council's Administration Building.
The repair cafe initiative diverts waste from landfill, one item at a time.
Items such as clothes, hand tools, small electrical items and small furniture can be brought in and fixed, free of charge.
Repair Cafe events at will be held at the new Landcare and Sustainability Living Centre, umali barai-ku at Booragul. They allow residents to bring in broken items that are 'too good to waste' for repair. Services are free to all and are powered entirely by volunteers.
Repair Cafe events are scheduled for:
- Saturday 25 February 10am-12:30pm
The items that can be brought in and fixed include: - clothing - toys - hand tools - small electrical items (including mobile phones) - small furniture
The Repair Cafe events are the brainchild of Warners Bay Sustainable Neighbourhood Group, who work to create a sustainable community that recycles items and leads the way in environmental practices.
In addition to the Repair Cafe, a variety of workshops will be held across the city, teaching locals how to sew and re-purpose items.
Supported by Lake Macquarie City Council and the NSW Environment Protection Authority Waste Less, Recycle More initiative, funded from the waste levy.