Native plant giveaway

Native plant giveaway.jpg

Lake Mac's Native Plant Giveaway has been running for over 20 years and aims to increase the number of local native plants grown in our backyards. Lake Mac residents can collect two native tube stock per household; all cultivated by dedicated volunteers and staff at the Lake Macquarie Landcare nursery.

A wide range of attractive and hardy local native species will be available to choose from to tick and collect including climbers, groundcovers, shrubs and trees.

Planting native flora can provide food and shelter for birds, insects and other animals, improve garden structure and aesthetic value, while adding a burst of colour to your outdoor space.

For residents unable to attend the festival, alternate plant giveaway sites will be:

  • Belmont Library, ngarrabangba - Tuesday 24 September, 3-5pm
  • Morisset Library, bawarramalang - Wednesday 25 September, 3-5pm
  • Sugar Valley Library Museum, kirantakamyari    Thursday 26 September, 3-5pm
  • Windale Hub, bilyabayi - Wednesday 2 October, 2-4pm

Native Plant Giveaway 2024 – plant list

If you would like to research the plant species available prior to the day, there are a number of resources available online including:

Australian Native Plant Society

Lake Macquarie Backyard Habitat Planting Guide

Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney - Plantnet

Important information

  • The giveaway will be available at each site while stocks last.
  • Each household to claim up to two native tube stock per year.
  • All species have limited quantities.
  • Council reserves the right to substitute species as circumstances arise.
  • Council staff will be checking identification to confirm residency within the Lake Mac City LGA - either rates notice or driver’s licence
  • The plants available include ground covers, shrubs and small trees which are all suitable for residential properties and have been specifically selected to cater for local growing conditions (climate and soil).
  • Plants are to be planted on private property and are not designed for planting on Council land.
Form Scientific name Common name


Banksia integrifolia Coastal banksia
Tree Banksia serrata Old man banksia
Tree Callistemon salignus Willow bottlebrush
Tree Melaleuca linariifolia Snow in summer
 Shrub  Austromyrtus dulcis Midgenberry
 Shrub  Austromyrtus tenuifolia Narrow leaf myrtle
 Shrub  Callistemon linearis Narrow-leafed bottlebrush
 Shrub Callistemon pinifolius Pine-leafed bottlebrush
 Shrub Correa alba White correa
 Shrub Doryanthes excelsa Gymea lily
 Shrub Goodenia ovata Hop goodenia
 Shrub Melaleuca nodosa Prickly leaved paperbark


Melaleuca thymifolia Honey myrtle
Shrub Ozothamnthus diosmifolius Rice Flower
Shrub Prostanthera incana Velvet mint bush
Shrub Prostanthera incisa Cut leaf mint bush
Shrub Rubus parvifolius Native raspberry
Shrub Westringia fruticosa Coastal rosemary
Groundcover Arthropodium milleflorum  Vanilla lily
Groundcover Brachyscome multifida Cut-leaf daisy
Groundcover Carpobrotus glaucescens Pigface
Groundcover Chrysocephalum apiculatum  Yellow buttons
Groundcover Dianella caerulea Blue flax lily
Groundcover Lomandra confertifolia Mat rush
Groundcover Patersonia glabrata Native iris
Groundcover Patersonia glabrata Native geranium
Groundcover  Scaevola aemula Fan flower
Groundcover Scaevola albida Fan flower
Groundcover Tetragonia tetragonoides Warrigal greens
Groundcover Viola hederacea Native violet
Climber Hardenbergia violacae False sarsparilla
Climber Hibbertia scandens Climbing guinea flower


  • Saturday, 21 September 2024 | 09:00 AM - 03:00 PM


Speers Point Park, Park Road, Speers Point 2284  View in Google Maps

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