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Next date: Friday, 28 March 2025 | 01:00 PM to Thursday, 17 April 2025 | 05:00 PM
With a lake twice the size of Sydney Harbour, it's no surprise that Lake Macquarie is home to some of Australia's biggest sailing events.
The Lake Macquarie sailing calendar brings together state, national and international sailing events being held on the Lake in a consolidated program.
Supported by Lake Macquarie Council, Lake Macquarie Tourism and Australian Sailing, the calendar includes a range of regattas, state, national and international competitions, across multiple sailing classes.
Download the Sailing Calendar(PDF, 2MB)
South Lake Macquarie Amateur Sailing Club
All event information is subject to change. Contact event organisers for further details.
About the Lake Macquarie Sailing Calendar
The Lake Macquarie Sailing Calendar is a joint initiative of Lake Macquarie City Council, Lake Macquarie Tourism, and Sailing Australia which brings together a large number of sailing events in a consolidated program.
The calendar includes a range of regattas, state, national and international competitions, across multiple sailing classes.
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