Our Customer Service Centre is temporarily located at Speers Point Library, adjacent to Council's Administration Building.Face to face Duty building and planning enquiries will commence from the temporary CSC at Speers Point Library from Tuesday 14 January 2025.
Welcome to Dobell House, the home and studio of the late Sir William Dobell. Dobell House is owned and operated by the Sir William Dobell Memorial Committee which is a completely volunteer organisation.
Opening hours:
Extended Open Hours for Dobell Festival - Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th June, 10am-4pm
Entry charges of Adults $12.00 and Concession $10.00 per person, paid on arrival at venue.
Find out more about Dobell House: www.dobellhouse.org.au
Dobell House are looking for additional volunteers to support the care and running of the house. If you are interested in getting involved please contact (02) 4975 4115 or [email protected].
Dobell House, 47 Dobell Dr,, Wangi Wangi 2267 View in Google Maps
Dobell House, 47 Dobell Dr, , Wangi Wangi 2267
$12 Adult Ticket $10 Concession Ticket