Our Customer Service Centre is temporarily located at Speers Point Library, opposite Council's Administration Building.
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Next date: Tuesday, 18 March 2025 | 09:30 AM to 10:30 AM
Dance4wellbeing offers 2 programs for over 55s and older adults that are unique and offer MORE than just exercise.
Moving Well Mobility and Dance for Parkinson's are creative & gentle dance - based sessions to music that fuse both movement and music together to weave an enjoyable experience. We like to describe our sessions as "exercise in disguise"
Both classes offer evidence-based content that ticks all the healthy ageing boxes - providing physical, cognitive, social and emotional benefits.
Come and join our community and Dance for your health and wellbeing!
Moving Well Mobility 9.30am -10.30am Suitable for older adults that are active but may need to improve balance, coordination, brain challenges and maintain their mobility.
Dance for Parkinson's 11am -12pm A tailored session for people living with PD, partners and carers as well as people with lower mobility. All to beautiful music and creative themes in the service of movement
Casual Class - $15.00 5-week pass – $70.00 10-week pass - $135.00
For more information contact: 0419 449 578 email: jess@dance4wellbeing.com
Windale Hub, 20 Lake Street, Windale 2306 View in Google Maps
20 Lake Street , Windale 2306
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This event occurs every 1 week(s) on Tuesday for 33 times.