Strata Certificate

Strata is the most commonly used form of subdivision for residential apartments and townhouses. It allows for the subdivision of land into separate lots and common property under the Strata Schemes Development Act 2015. This subdivision can be vertically within a building or horizontally on a block, including residential, commercial offices, industrial developments and retirement villages.


Step 1.Register or log in

To apply for a Strata Certificate online, you must register and log in via the NSW Planning Portal.

Register or log in to NSW Planning Portal

Step 2.Gather your documents

Strata Certificate applications must be accompanied by:

  • a plan of subdivision prepared by a registered surveyor
  • Strata Certificate Administration Sheet(s)
  • evidence that all Conditions of Consent have been complied with before a Strata Certificate can be issued (where applicable)
  • a Certificate of Compliance from the relevant water supply authority for the strata subdivision
  • statement regarding any encroachment of the building (where applicable)
  • development contract for staged strata subdivision (where applicable)

For further advice, contact our Customer Service Centre on (02) 4921 0333 (Monday - Friday, 8am - 5pm) and ask to speak with the Duty Officer.

Step 3.Apply

Once you've registered and gathered your documents, you can apply online for a Strata Certificate. Please note you will need to select 'Post Consent Certificate' and 'Subdivision Certificate' when applying.

You'll need to upload electronic versions of the required documentation in order to complete your application.

Apply for a Strata Certificate via NSW Planning Portal

Step 4.Pay

Lodgement fees will be calculated by Council staff and provided to you in writing after we've received your application.

Your certificate will not be issued until all outstanding fees have been paid.