Road naming application

Council is responsible for endorsing the authoritative road name and ensuring it is endorsed by the Geographical Naming Board, for all regional, local and private roads, including right of ways and easements (that are intended as roads), within our LGA.


Step 1.Important information to know

Council approves new road names in accordance with the Section 162 of the Roads Act 1993.  The Road Act requires that the Geographical Names Board be given at least one month's notice of the proposed names.

To assist with the road naming process, you can check with the Geographical Names Board to determine if the road name is eligible, before submitting your application.  When checking the eligibility of the proposed road name, please ensure you use a 10km radius.

Step 2.Gather your information

To apply for a road name you need to ensure the following is provided as part of this application:

  • Development application number associated with the new road(s)
  • Plans of where the proposed roads will be located, including extent of the road (where the road starts and ends)
  • Meaning and history of the proposed road(s)
  • Confirmation of where the proposed road name has a multi-cultural meaning (relating to different nationalities and cultures)
  • If the proposed road name commemorates a person, supporting documentation such as:
    • full name of commemorative person
    • date of birth (or explanation, if unknown)
    • date of death (or explanation, if unknown)
    • Commemoration person association, as noted in the Geographical Name Boards, NSW address policy and guidelines; and
    • the source of the information above
  • If the proposed road name contains an Aboriginal dimension:
    • you will need to contact the Miromaa Aboriginal Language and Technology Centre on 02 4940 9100, for approval of the proposed road name(s)
    • supporting documentation from Miromaa Aboriginal Language and Technology Centre

If you are submitting a road naming application for more than 10 roads, please complete our road naming template(XLSX, 16KB) and upload the template as part of this application.

For further information on what you need to provide, please contact our Land Information team on 02 4921 0333, Monday to Friday, from 8am to 5pm.

Step 3.Pay

Fees will be calculated by Council staff and provided to you in writing after we've received your application for road naming.

Step 4.Apply

Once you have gathered all your supporting documents, you can apply online.  You'll need to upload electronic versions of the required documentation in order to complete your application.