Application to operate an amusement device If you're planning to operate an amusement device, and your device is registered under NSW Occupational Health and Safety Regulation 2001, you'll need approval from Council
Apply for an easement over Council land This application form should be used when property owners are seeking an easement over Council land.
Building Information Certificate A Building Information Certificate certifies that a building and its land can remain as is for a period of up to seven years.
Complying Development Certificate These applications are determined by Council or an accredited certifier through a fast-track assessment process.
Construction Certificate A Construction Certificate certifies that your chosen design and construction materials comply with the Building Code of Australia, and associated standards and codes, and the development is consistent with your Development Application. You will need to provide an estimate of the cost of your work.
Enquire about a property Property Enquiry is our tool for viewing information on conditions that apply to land and property, including permitted development.
Enquire about an application Using our Application Enquiry tool, you can track the progress of Development Applications under assessment, submit support or objections during the notification period, and access records of determined applications, including those with Clause 4.6 variations
Fee estimate Request a fee estimation for your Development Application, Construction Certificate or Complying Development Certificate.
Fireworks notification If you're planning to use fireworks, you must notify Council and SafeWork NSW seven days prior to your fireworks display
Flood-liable caravan park and manufactured estate installations Apply for a caravan park or manufactured estate on flood-liable land.
Get approval for a manufactured home of more than one storey Get approval for a multi-storey manufactured home
Get approval for a manufactured home on flood-liable land Get approval for a manufactured home on flood-liable land
Heritage Exemption Application Maintenance or minor works that do not have an impact on the significance of a heritage item or conservation area may be granted an exemption, subject to an assessment by Council's Development Planner Heritage
Notice of Commencement of Building or Subdivision work Submitting a Notice of Commencement of Building or Subdivision Works, also known as a Notice of Work (NoW) lets us know that work is starting on your proposed development
Occupation Certificate A Occupation Certificate is required when the construction is completed and considered compliant. The building should not be occupied prior to an Occupation Certificate being issued.
Outstanding Notices and Orders Certificate An Outstanding Notices and Orders Certificate lists any outstanding notices and orders issued by Council in relation to a particular property. Notices issued might include unauthorised building works, stormwater works or unsafe or unhealthy conditions.
Planning Certificate A Planning Certificate is needed to purchase a property. It details the development potential of a parcel of land including the planning restrictions that apply.
Political donations and gifts disclosure If you're lodging a planning application or making a public submission to Council, you'll need to disclosure any political donations or gift given in the last two years
Public Works Certificate If your development has a public works component, you'll need to lodge a Public Works Certificate with Council
Request a Bush Fire Attack Level (BAL) Assessment A Bush Fire Attack Level (BAL) Assessment is required before Council will issue a BAL Certificate
Request a Pre-lodgement or Concept Meeting Pre-lodgement and Concept Meetings will help ensure your Development Application is well-prepared
Review of determination of Development Application Apply for a review of determination for a Development Application or Modification Application.
Statement of Environmental Effects A Statement of Environmental Effects must be lodged with a development application.
Strata Certificate A Strata Certificate allows you to subdivide land into separate lots and common property.
Subdivision Certificate A Subdivision Certificate certifies that a plan of subdivision has been completed in accordance with the relevant consent.
Subdivision Works Certificate A Subdivision Works Certificate (SWC) is required when works will be undertaken to facilitate a subdivision in accordance with a development consent
Surrender a development consent You may seek to surrender your development consent in accordance with Section 4.17 or 4.63 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.