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The Buttaba Hills South Paper Subdivision consists of 120 lots that are owned by almost 100 different landowners. The land was subdivided in 1922 but roads, drainage, water, power and sewer were never provided to the lots.
A group of landowners have formed the Buttaba Hills South Action Group which discusses matters with Council when required.
While much of the land is zoned for residential development, the land cannot be developed because necessary utility infrastructure such as roads, drainage, water, sewer, communication and electricity are not available to each lot. The land also has high biodiversity values, which will need to be addressed as part of any future development application by landowners.
One of the biggest challenges to resolving the paper subdivision is identifying the present owner(s) of the ‘paper roads’ land.
Council adopted the Buttaba Hills South Area Plan in 2016. The Plan was prepared with input from the Buttaba Hills South Action Group, state agencies responsible for bushfire, water resources, Aboriginal land management and infrastructure. Several flora and fauna studies also helped shape the Plan, which provides guidance on development outcomes for the site.
The status of the unformed roads in the Buttaba Hills South Estate is outlined below.
Until the ownership of the paper roads is resolved, and utility infrastructure is provided by the landowners, development cannot occur on the lots in the paper subdivision.