Our Customer Service Centre is temporarily located at Speers Point Library, adjacent to Council's Administration Building.Face to face Duty building and planning enquiries will commence from the temporary CSC at Speers Point Library from Tuesday 14 January 2025.
Pool owners and councils have a shared legal responsibility to help protect the safety of children around properties with swimming pools or spa pools. One way we uphold our commitment to safety is through our Swimming Pool Safety Inspection Program.
Inspections are undertaken in order to issue a Certificate of Compliance, which indicates that the pool barrier complies with legislation. A fee is charged for this inspection. The maximum fee councils can charge to facilitate their pool inspection program is prescribed by law, even when multiple inspections are required.
Inspections as part of the The Swimming Pool Safety Inspection Program are undertaken on a risk basis, with older areas with a high number of pools, multiple-occupancy dwellings and tourist/visitor accommodation considered at higher risk.
View our Frequently Asked Questions(PDF, 188KB) for additional information on the inspection program.
Once the pool is inspected, the pool owner will receive a letter regarding the inspection result:
A swimming pool subject to an Occupation Certificate or Compliance Certificate is exempt from the inspection program for three years from the date of issue of the certificate.
Councils may inspect any swimming pool that is the subject of a compliant to Council. Council powers of entry will be consistent with the Local Government Act 1993.