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Smoke alarms are simple and effective devices that can help save lives by providing building occupants with an early warning of the presence of a fire, giving them time to escape. Smoke alarms can also help reduce property damage through earlier fire brigade intervention.
It is mandatory for alarms to be installed in:
Fines apply if no smoke alarm is installed within the premises or moveable dwelling. It is also an offence to interfere with or remove a smoke alarm unless it is for the purpose of maintenance or replacement of the smoke alarm.
All smoke alarms must comply with Australian Standard AS3786:
You must have a licensed electrician install hardwired smoke alarms. Hardwired smoke alarms can be interlinked together so that they sound together.
Dwellings, alterations, and additions build since 1993 must have hardwired smoke alarms to comply with the Building Code of Australia.
Refer to the NSW Government guidelines for information on the required locations of smoke alarms.