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An Interim Fire Safety Certificate is issued by the owner of a building (usually at the application for an interim occupation certificate) to indicate that each essential fire safety measure outlined in the current fire safety schedule for a specific part of the building to which the certificate relates has:
The assessment of the fire safety measures must be carried out within a period three months prior to the date on which the interim fire safety certificate is issued. A copy of the Interim Fire Safety Certificate must be forwarded to the Commissioner of Fire & Rescue NSW and the property owner must ensure a copy of the Interim Fire Safety Certificate, together with a current copy of the Fire Safety Schedule, is prominently displayed within the building.
A Final Fire Safety Certificate is issued by the owner of the building (usually at the application for a final occupation certificate) upon completion of the building works or changes of use. It specifies that a properly qualified person has assessed the building and found that fire safety measures have been properly implemented and are capable of performing to a standard not less than that required by the Fire Safety Schedule for the specific part of the building to which the certificate relates.
The assessment of the fire safety measures must be carried out within a period three months prior to the date on which the Final Fire Safety Certificate is issued. A copy of the Final Fire Safety Certificate must be forwarded to the Commissioner of Fire & Rescue NSW and the property owner must ensure a copy of the Final Fire Safety Certificate, together with a current copy of the Fire Safety Schedule, is prominently displayed within the building.
Council can provide a pro-forma Interim/Final Fire Safety Certificate, specific to your project, for you to complete and sign to submit to Council. Contact our Customer Service Centre on 4921 0333.