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Essential fire safety measures are the life and fire safety systems required by the Building Code of Australia to be installed in boarding houses, hostels, bed and breakfasts, commercial, industrial and public buildings to ensure the safety of occupants within the building in the event of a fire or emergency.
The legislation lists statutory fire safety measures as:
Legislation mandates that essential fire safety measures must be maintained:
* where pumpsets are fitted
** where horizontal sliding doors are fitted
Note: The responsible entity may elect to conduct monthly activities on a weekly frequency.
There can be other essential fire safety measure listed for your building/premises depending on whether alternate solutions have been considered as part of the construction of the building or premise.
A fire safety schedule, interim/final fire safety certificate or annual fire safety statement issued for the building lists all the essential fire safety measures that are installed in the building and the performance standard to which each of those measures must be capable of operating.