Our Customer Service Centre is temporarily located at Speers Point Library, opposite Council's Administration Building.
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Fire safety is an integral part of the building and development process.
Essential fire safety measures are required to be maintained at specific intervals throughout the year
Apply for an extension to submit an annual fire safety statement
Essential fire safety measures are the life and fire safety systems required by the Building Code of Australia to be installed in boarding houses, hostels, bed and breakfasts, commercial, industrial and public buildings to ensure the safety of occupants within the building in the event of a fire or emergency
Smoke alarms are simple and effective devices that can help save lives by providing building occupants with an early warning of the presence of a fire, giving them time to escape
An Interim Fire Safety Certificate is issued by the owner of a building to indicate that essential fire safety measures have been assessed by a properly qualified person and found, on assessment, to be capable of performing to at least the standard required by the current fire safety schedule for the building
Council may require safety upgrades to a premises if a building does not comply with fire safety regulations