Our Customer Service Centre is temporarily located at Speers Point Library, opposite Council's Administration Building.
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Sedimentation is a major issue affecting Lake Macquarie with an estimated 60,000 tonnes of material, mainly sediment, deposited in Lake Macquarie annually. Sediment runoff can destroy aquatic habitats, degrade water quality, reduce the capacity of stormwater infrastructure, contribute to flooding and increase maintenance costs. It's important for developers, builders and home renovators to know their responsibilities when it comes to proper erosion and sediment control measures.
Fact sheets
If you have specific questions relating to erosion and sediment control, please contact our Erosion and Sediment Control Officer on council@lakemac.nsw.gov.au or call 4921 0333.
Concerns may be reported by email council@lakemac.nsw.gov.au or call 4921 0333. It is helpful to our officers to have as much information as possible, such as time and date of issue, who is responsible (company names on site or vehicles) and photos of issue.
Council staff treat all reports seriously. Reports will be investigated and appropriate action taken