Certification services

Boolaroo - North West Catalyst Area and Weemala development.jpg

Lake Mac is a natural playground that provides endless opportunity for adventure and possibility.

Council’s certification services bring you one step closer to your dream by simplifying the approval process for your next residential or commercial build.

Our team of experienced building surveyors are registered certifiers, equipped with expert knowledge of building regulations, construction standards and consent requirements. 

Let's build a greater future

Principal certifiers ensure that developments meet regulatory standards, including consistency with the development consent and compliance with the Building Code of Australia. Their role involves conducting inspections to ensure works comply at each stage of development.  

Council’s certifiers offer personalised, flexible and cost-effective services throughout the construction, from the first slab to getting the keys. You’ll be able to directly contact your principal certifier at any time during the process if you have any questions or concerns.

We streamline the process for:

  • Construction Certificate (CC)
  • Occupation Certificate (OC)
  • Complying Development Certificate (CDC)
  • Building Information Certificate (BIC)

Frequently asked questions

Contact us

If you have any enquiries or would like to request a quote, please contact our Planning and Building Services team on pbs@lakemac.nsw.gov.au or call 4921 0333.