Development in flood-affected areas

There may be restrictions on development that apply to properties that are affected by flooding or tidal inundation as a result of projected sea level rise. Planning controls such as minimum floor heights or set-backs may be applied to development in order to minimise the risk and impacts of flooding.

To determine flood risk, Council has completed floodplain risk management studies and plans for major catchments and minor residual tributary catchments.

What is the difference between inundation and flooding?

Some low-lying areas along the coast and around the lake foreshore may be inundated as sea levels rise. This means they are permanently covered by rising water. Other areas may be affected by increased flood levels, where water covers the area temporarily due to tides, waves, high rainfall, or storm surge. The Lake Macquarie Flood Study predicts that foreshore land below 0.5 metres AHD may be permanently inundated by 2050, and land below 1 metre AHD maybe permanently inundated by 2100.

Is your property flood-prone?

To find out information on the conditions that apply to land and property, including flood conditions and permitted development, you can use Council's Property enquiry tool

If the property enquiry tool indicates your property is a flood control lot, Council's free Property flood data can provide information about the flood hazard for your property such as the source of flooding, probability flood levels, flood planning levels, ground levels, sit map showing flood hazard classification and existing floor levels of buildings (where available). This information may be useful when assessing risk for building or planning, or providing evidence to help reduce insurance premiums.

Information is only available where Council has undertaken a detailed Flood Study and/or Flood Risk Management Plan.

Access the Property flood data

Development in flood-prone areas

Flooding controls that apply to development within specific land-use zones are detailed in the Lake Macquarie Development Control Plan 2014.

 Check the Lake Macquarie Development Control Plan

Free flood report

Council's Property flood data provides free information about the flood risk and hazard for a specific property such as source of flooding, probability flood levels, flood planning levels, ground levels, site map showing flood hazard classification, existing floor levels of buildings (where available) and relevant definitions.

Information is only available where Council has undertaken a detailed Flood Study and/or Floodplain Risk Management Plan. It is based on the information Lake Macquarie City Council held at the time of issue.

The tool information includes:

  • Details of the possible effects on the specified property from flooding and tidal inundation
  • Predicted sea level rises
  • Floor level information
  • Ground surface levels at the site measured by LiDAR
  • Floor levels of buildings (where available)
  • Predicted flood levels derived from completed flood studies
  • Static map showing the property, including high hazard areas, contour levels measured by LiDAR and orthophoto details of any existing buildings
  • Where the lot is affected by flooding from both the Lake Macquarie Waterway, and flooding from watercourses within the catchment, information is provided on flooding from both sources.

If your property covers more than one lot, you need to check each. The highest flood level on any of subject lots applies.

Both the free Property Flooding Tool and Council Issued Flood Certificate or Flood/Tidual Inundation Certificate will not provide Complying Development Certificate (CDC) requirements, such as:

  • a flood storage area,
  • a floodway area,
  • a flow path,
  • a high hazard area,
  • a high risk area.

Private Certifiers will need to either make their own considered judgement on the CDC flooding questions or, engage an appropriate consulting engineer to do the assessment.

Access the Property flood data

Application for flood certificate

If the information you require is not available through the Property flood data you may need to apply for a Flood Certificate or Flood/Tidal Inundation Certificate, as a fee applies for this service.

To enquire with Council’s Senior City Resilience Officer, please email or call 02 4921 0406. We will help you to determine whether Council can provide flood information via a flood certificate, as in some cases, Council may not have the relevant data available to produce a flood certificate (e.g. a site not covered by an approved flood study).

A Flood Certificate or Flood/Tidal Inundation Certificates duplicates the information contained in the Property Flooding Information Summary web tool via providing flood and tidal inundation information for a parcel of land affected by flooding and sea level rise. It includes Council's Flood Planning Level requirements as well as field survey results showing relative levels of the existing buildings and land.

Apply for a flood certificate