
Lake Macquarie contains a unique environment and biodiversity needs to be considered as part of any development application to:

  • establish how a proposed development can avoid, minimise or mitigate potential impacts to biodiversity in accordance with the legislation
  • determine if the Biodiversity Offsets Scheme is triggered
  • determine if formal offset obligations are required.

Biodiversity may require assessment of vegetation clearing that does not require a development consent.

What is the approval process?

Development consent is required when the clearing of native vegetation is proposed, including to:

  • any native vegetation where the clearing proposed exceeds clearing thresholds identified under Part 7 of the Biodiversity Conservation Regulation 2017
  • any tree listed on Council’s Significant Tree Register(PDF, 1MB)
  • trees or native vegetation listed as heritage items or located within a heritage conservation area
  • a Norfolk Island Pine (Araucaria heterophylla) greater than 3m in height or greater than 75cm measured at ground level

Development consent is not required for the clearing of native vegetation if there is an existing exemption mechanism, such as those under the Local Land Services, or mechanisms identified under Council's Tree Preservation and Native Vegetation Management Guidelines.